My husband is living in a fantasy world. At first I thought it was to cover up his memory loss but it has become so exaggerated it's scaring me. In his mind, he's a world-wide traveler with wild tales of each adventure. Every where we go (mostly around town) he expresses that 'that car always pulls out in front of us, that homeless person is always on this corner, that light bulb has been out for years, that lady is always crossing the street with that stroller, we always miss this light', etc. Get the picture? If I mention anything at all such as an unusual paint job on a vehicle, he's quick to point out that he 'always' sees that car and that 'I' am the one losing my mind. Of particular concern is his determination that a particular house, apartment, hole in the wall exists close by and he is determined to find it! Off on his bike he'll go to find it. I have spent hours driving him through the area searching for this fantasy place in the hopes of either finding it or easing his mind that it doesn't exist, to no avail. I'm afraid he'll get hurt or lost. He knows he's been diagnosed with Alzheimer's but is convinced it's very minor, at best. Are these 24/7 delusions normal? Is there medication to calm his mind? He is taking Aricept 10mg daily. He has always had a propensity for making up stories. What to do?
To wrap it up,I don’t know what stage he’s at,I do know that I need help.I am headed off the deep end.I cry at the drop of a hat.I’m angry with myself for feeling so weak when I used to be strong.I’m angry that I’m losing him.This is not how I pictured retirement.
TY all
She went through quite a long phase also of “the creeps” she called them who she thought were going to come in the house and get her. She would tell me she made them some food and they went away down the storm drain in the road, or she would say I needed to be quiet because the “people” doing their excercise walk are going by ( in her fenced backyard bordering a canal mind you).
You can not argue or reason with this disease; only gets them agitated. She has been on aricept 10mg and mementine 10mg for 4 years now. Doctor added 50mg trazadone to calm her paranoia last year since she refused to sleep in her bed at night and would get so distressed about “the creeps” she would hide in her closet on the floor. Since on trazadone she has been much calmer and less agitated.
Horrible horrible disease to watch strong independent vibrant people just basically disappear before you into frail, helpless, confused shells of what they once were. Now my mom is basically in the state as if she was under 10 years old. Keeps asking if I should call her parents to get her, doesn’t recognize her own house anymore, etc. The worst part is now the toileting habits; does not get concept of putting dirty paper in toilet bowl. I have to move the trash can away from near toilet and direct her to throw under butt in bowl. Now this past week she has a new thing that her food is being poisoned! Uuuugh hate this disease; peace and love to all of you persevering through with your loved ones. One day at a time...