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Pepsee Posted June 2018

Happy Father's Day...Mom!

Why do men who raise children alone, get oodles of praise, when women do it all the time yet seem to be overlooked? Hmmm.

My Mom raised 4 crazy kids, alone. No monetary nor hands on help. She always worked, never brought men home,
didn't even date. Never drank, she cleaned and cooked endlessly, dealt with homelessness due to a fire. Put up with 3 of us being addicts. Worked diligently to help us get clean and never complained.

She robbed Peter to pay Paul. Went without meals or a bedroom, did her best to make each one feel special. Made popcorn and a night of "Planet of the Apes" seem like a night on the town!

She baby-sat constantly and took in kids, when we feel apart. Yet in all these struggles, she never stopped working. She always kept it moving. No pity parties, woes me or giving up for her.

An older gentleman once told her,
"My kids would kill each other, yours would kill for each other."

She is selfless, unique, and all around wonderful. She is my hero, my amazing Mom!

I love you Mommy, Happy Father's Day👵

Pepsee Jun 2018
Hi Riverdale!
A life worth living, is the life most struggled for.
Sounds like BS right? Lol, that's what I thought when someone said it to me. Especially since I was in such a bad place at the time.

But I found it was true. The more I fought to get through tough things in life, the more value my life had to me.

And that's what life's about, the value we find in ourselves. Struggling and overcoming, shows us what we're made of. It shows us we can make good decisions. Plus it teaches us lessons when we make the wrong ones. That's how we learn. We learn our most important lessons from the hardest times, and from the biggest screw ups. That's how it's been for me.

I Know things are rough right now, but every pain is valuable. When you get through it, you'll be amazed at how much you've grown and how well you've done!

Moms can only give, what they've got. No one can give you a dollar, if they only have .68 cents. She probably did the best she could with what she had. ( Inside) 

Personally, I think we have children way too young. I'm a much better person today, then I was when I was raising my kids.

Just love her. Better days are coming. But for today, be proud of where you've been and what you've gotten through. You're a blessing! Own it 🌞

Riverdale Jun 2018
Wow. You are so fortunate. My mother did none of that. She is a kind person but not a hands on mother. As she keeps slipping away more and more I am doing my best to come to terms with what she did offer. But at times I feel such anxiety and mental exhaustion. I wonder if I can value life again. I am awed by so many stories here. There is great strength and courage shown. I need to try to dig down deep and find that for myself.



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