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Mapotter Posted June 2018

Needing some supportive words...

I am trying to deal with Mom's decline (or what appears to be decline...). She has been crying more and more -- sometimes for hours (no tears). We have started giving her Lorazepam more often (small dose). Even after an hour, she was still crying. The doctor said he cannot make a diagnosis as to why she is crying because of her cognitive state. So, he told us to give her the Lorazepam 3 times per day to see if that helps. My SIL told me she would write her Mom notes (she had dementia) because she would respond to that. So, I tried asking Mom questions on paper, like: Does something hurt? Why are you crying? To the first question, she said, “No.” To the second one, she started crying more…. That was two days ago. Now she doesn’t respond to the notes. She does appear to read them, though. She spends much more time laying in bed (not always sleeping soundly), or in her chair doing the same. But, when she is awake, and in her chair, she wants to constantly get up and walk somewhere. She cannot walk unassisted. To top all that off, my brother found, what appears to be, an enlarged lymph node near his right clavicle. It could be an infection or something worse. But, when I asked him if he was going to call the doctor, he said, “No.” He has an appointment with his oncologist (a scheduled appointment for the CML), so he is waiting until then…. He also told me he is at the highest setting (5) on his oxygen machine. He started out at 3… I never know what I am going to find when I get to their house in the morning…. Sometimes I feel like they are both going to pass around the same time… As the saying goes, "God only gives you what you can handle...." He must know that I can't handle much!

Mapotter Jun 2018
Thank you, all.

Smeshque, I put some nature music on last Sunday (on the TV so there were nature photos,too). I turned it up so Mom could hear it and so it would drowned out the sound of ger crying (for my sanity)). It had no affect.

baskethill, Did your mom pass? What did you do to calm her? I have told Mom that everyone will be okay (I am sure she worries about my brother, and my sister (who has MS)).

baskethill1 Jun 2018
Im so sorry your having a rough time. My Mother used to get pretty depressed and scared often . Kinda hard not to be at that age. She also knows shes confused alot and anxious about dying . You might want to see if thats it


BuzzyBee Jun 2018
What do you mean you cant handle much????
You are handling LOADS!!!
You are doing it to the very best of your ability, which is all anyone can ask of you.

Stay strong.
I send you Hugs and love.

Make sure you pop back here, as and when you need to. Or just for a read.
No one judges you here. Not even yourself. :)

smeshque Jun 2018
I am so sorry for your situation. I will be praying for you. I know that often people want to get up and walk when they are feeling poor because it is calming.
Continue writing notes, writing loving things to your Mom.
Does she like music, sometimes soothing music or hymns help.
If she is a believer, read her scripture.
I feel for you, and you are right, God does not give us more than we can bear. Pray often. Pray with your Mom. Maybe it is the medicine her spirit is crying for.
Hang in there, these are difficult times in life. But, God is a very present help in times of trouble.Lean on the Lord.

pamzimmrrt Jun 2018
Hang in the Mapotter..

BarbBrooklyn Jun 2018
Please ask your doctor to consider trying a different med for your mom. Sometimes Ativan has the opposite effect and makes people MORE anxious.


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