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aj6044 Posted June 2018

Just at a loss of what to do - everything was going so well and now it's not.

This past year has been a rocky road. Different POAs, guardians, etc for my parents. At the beginning of this year I took over everything. I got their finances under control, I got them home health, I got my mom a Medicaid waiver to pay for home health and I'm working on medicaid for my dad. Everything was going so well... until I got the Medicaid waiver for my mom which only covers 30 hours a week (hence the reason my dad will be getting it soon too for hopefully 60 hrs/wk total). I think my parents are just not getting enough care and I expected that, but I didn't expect my dad to go to the ER today for falling. He's being admitted but now the social worker wants to talk to me about the safety of his home situation because he can't go home as she sees it. It's unsafe. My parents have no money - hence Medicaid - and I imagine if my dad goes to a Medicaid facility they will take his SS check which will leave my mom with only her SS check to live on, so she would also have to go to a Medicaid facility or a different apartment. I am at such a loss of what to do. My parents have a habit of going to facilities and feeling better again and wanting to explore their newfound joy for life by leaving facilities. I DO NOT want guardianship nor do I have money for court fees - I do not have the time or the patience or the mental health left to be a guardian, and I can barely function in my own life. I have DPOA and health care POA, and that's let me do a lot so far. I think if I talked to my parents very sternly and say that next time they go to a facility it's their new home for good they might just stick with it. I get that renting a normal house and being surrounded by their stuff is comforting, but they're alone 80% of the time. Hardly anyone visits them and they have no social life. Last time both of them were in a facility, they looked good and sounded mentally well. The only thing is, my mom has HATED all of her nursing homes and has threatened to call the police on numerous occasions for stuff her nurses didn't do. I don't think a nursing home in a 20 mile radius would take her again. My dad doesn't need a nursing home, but most ALs don't take Medicaid without 2 years of private pay. I guess my best bet is to wait for my dad's Medicaid waiver to go through so we can get home health in there 60 hours a week, about 8.5 hours a day. Maybe even request an extension for 80 hours a week. OF COURSE something has to go horribly wrong right as I'm on the brink of another big breakthrough in finding a new normal. I just want my life back. I want to travel, go to graduate school, get married, and find a good job that doesn't mind if I have the occasional family crisis. but I can't do any of that when sh*t like this happens all the time. Anyways, hope you're having a better night than me. Before you comment, here's some brief answers to common questions: My dad has Wernicke's Korsakoff syndrome - extreme chronic vitamin B deficiency Yes, they're young for both being disabled. I'm 21 dealing with this, and, no, there's no one who can help me much except for one aunt. No I don't have siblings. No I don't feel that I can leave them to their own devices and let them sink themselves onto the streets.

Dice5816 Aug 2018
It's called Aid and Attendance pension. People are not aware of problems even thinking about getting guardianship. You may end up getting a guardianship right off the bat as soon as you your ended up immediately with a guardian but then you may end up Professional Guardian for profit, Social Worker, or another total stranger petitioning the court without notifying any interested parties and taking the guardianship away.

You've already You've already done their leg work saying they're incapacitated.

Your local area for aging or even if you don't have Alzheimer's in the picture all timers Association can help.

Read it or not they're always arranging so you can have seminars and talk to you elder law for free but then they want you to come to the office for $300 an hour or more conference.

There's respite care and some local churches will do it for free.

I suggest to be aware of the problem with guardianship and check it out on your state law website has you're going to need to be aware of the laws because everywhere you go there's Predators out to get guardianship over your loved ones.

Dance groups like National stop guardianship abuse.

You need to be aware this factor everybody that has a loved one even for yourself to get on board a changing laws.

You'll if anyone you love gets in the guardianship the laws are not upheld by the court because there's no punishment follow up no time in prison, don't loss of position. The courts don't follow the laws.

Then you get your conservsitor. what could be the same person could be the same lawyer that's a guardian and conservator.

Stan mediately go and transfer the bank account to and now they're caught with their name on it.

Not only parent lose thier constitutional and civil rights you do too. The guardian or conservator comes up with no contact orders either they go through the court or they just go and tell the nursing home or Assisted Living and I I just found out it's just a living is not a legal facility. And I found a state website.

Even if you put a parent in rehab you may run into one facility that has connections to a Guardian. Just faces rehab nursing homes Assisted Living have people that were make some extra money and they start working for a guardian and they will tell when there's a patient that has any kind of money even if it's just your social security check go go after it because they'll get paid from the state if there is no money so they're still going to make some money.

Some people go by quantity of wards.
Your always in court and leave a g a l in case even if there's attorney because they're supposed to be removed if there's a lawyer. It could be $250 an hour for the g a l, Chihuahua and $250 an hour or more is a conservator Janine's these phone calls and emails cost like $62 for each one to pay a bill.

Veterans Aid and attendance is to pay for the veterans care. Not for the Guardians, conservators, gal or lawyers. But it's not pointed out to these people and they think they can eat up that so then they're going to keep Social Security separate from aid and attendance they should be he just uses Social Security what should also be non touchable because it's also Federal money. Is there laws that need to be passed to stop this predator guardianship conservatorship.

Don't believe me you're find me stories all over Facebook groups, YouTube, Google Plus, and they are true.

We have to make Guardianship and conservatorship unp r unprofitable.

Laws in legislation is always changing and this is why you have to make sure you vote in the office where they stand and make them prove it on guardianship elder abuse conservatorship and if there is a elder abuse you going to the state troopers not the local police find out the hard way please don't do anything and though turn on you go to court to testify against the ward.



If Tepa Snow has YouTube classes

JoAnn29 Jul 2018
If Dad is a Vet he needs to have been in the service during Wartime. For his age it would have been Vietnam. Your local VA office can give you the info. Once they r in, do not allow them to go home. Explain to the NH you are not taking care of them.

Since Dad is in the hospital and maybe there the 3 days, then he can get rehab. At rehab you can have him evaluated for NH care. Medicaid will not leave Mom without money to support herself. Explain too, that your parents are alone most of the time. Explain that you cannot take care of them. With POAs you don't need guardianship. NHs should be able to deal with someone like Mom. She had a stroke and heart problems. She probably has Dementia. Get Dad in and maybe Mom will follow. Once


gladimhere Jul 2018
You need to see an elder law attorney.

baskethill1 Jul 2018
Is your dad a vet? ( or mom) You might want to look into a pension


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