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Dusti22 Posted July 2018

Caregiver health set-back today...not with my honey but with me...

Well I have read on the threads that caregiving can affect a person's health and in some cases seriously. It is true. There was a set back today...not with my honey but with me. I probably should not be posting right now so please bear with me and I hope I don't offend or upset anyone. I will apologize ahead of time as I know this is going to be a "book" and probably rambling.

I woke up this morning feeling very strange and believing it was Friday. My honey was still asleep. I remember getting up, doing dishes and took some trash out to the trash can. It was full....why was it full on Friday since trash is picked up on Thursday? I even checked the neighbor's (behind us) trash and it was empty. I went back in, closed the garage door and went back inside. By this time the left side of my face down into my arm felt numb & I still was sure it was Friday. I was getting ready to call and find out why our trash had not been picked up when my honey got up and informed me it was not Friday, it was Thursday. I went into the bathroom to brush my hair and get ready for the day when I saw that the left side of my face had dropped ( l looked very lopsided) and I was talking out of the right side of my mouth. I knew for sure then I had had another TIA (minor stroke) but this one was worse. By the time I realized what was going on, it was too late to go to the hospital. (45 min-1 hour is the window that they can help). Plus the hospital cannot use clot busters on me as I am allergic to them and most of the meds they use for stroke. (was told this at the hospital the last time this happened)

It did not scare me as this is my 14th stroke (2 major/12 TIA's -minor strokes) but just saddened me. This is the worst brain does not want to function right now & my honey is pretty much on his own. He has been trying his best to watch over me & take care of me. I won't drive or even attempt it as I know I am not safe to be on the roads until this clears out.

Thanks everyone...just had to get this out where I can see it and try to get my brain organized again. Please guard, protect and take care of yourselves. I will recover though I am not sure how long it will take, but I will beat it. Y'all have a good night. By the way just reread my post and did pretty good considering how scrambled my brain feels right now (smile).

Dusti22 Jul 2018
Hi Gladimhere, Freqflyer and Cwillie....Thanks y'all for checking on me. For some reason this new site, though it was initially, will not let me reply individually. plan B. I imagine at that point his brother and SIL would step in. He is not being compliant with his exercises so have a feeling he will be returning to point A if he doesn't watch it. When I tried to get him to exercise, he started in on me about not my business so am not going to worry about it. I do worry about my fur babies though. Sorry if that sounds cold. But with what he has put me through the last nine months, I resigned from being his caregiver (until he can't speak for himself and his family is aware of it) I am now just his significant other who loves and helps him. But am no longer responsible for his actions. if he won't be responsible for his own actions, how can I since he seems to be cognizant and in possession of his faculties unlike when he had his strokes.

Freqflyer... I have been tested for Bell's palsay and they determined that it was not that but actual TIA's / Minor Strokes. Wish it was. Hate it as it seems to take more and more time for it to clear up. That had to be frustrating when you found out the Bell's you had would have cleared with no meds.

Cwillie...I know...the last time I went in the hospital for a TIA they tested me for Bell's and when my eyes were unevenly dialated and I was not making a lot of sense without extreme effort and had the classic signs of arm drifting they determined it was TIA or minor stroke (stronger than TIA). This time besides the other symptoms and numbness on left side, my left leg had drag to it. Am feeling better and more alert but still not up to par.

gladimhere Jul 2018
Dusti great you are feeling better.

Do you have a plan B for honey should you become incapacitated? What would happen to him if you were not able?


freqflyer Jul 2018
Dusti, what you had described sounded like what I had decades ago, the doctor said it was Bell's palsy. It was a mild case and was told it would go away with time.

The doctor did prescribe meds but those meds would make me so sick whenever I would lay down. I even went to the ER as I was so dehydrated. Then I read that Bell's would go away on its own without meds.... oh great, now they tell me :P

cwillie Jul 2018
IMO there is a lot of blurring of the line between stroke and TIA even among health care professionals. When my mom was talking gibberish for 5 minutes and completely recovered within the hour that was a classic TIA, transient being the main feature. When you are still recovering from the effects days after an event I would call it a stroke, albeit a mild one. Both conditions are major warning signs that another, larger stroke may be imminent - have you made an appointment to see your doctor yet?

FrazzledMama Jul 2018
(((Hugs))) glad you are doing better and you have a great, relaxing Sunday too!

Dusti22 Jul 2018
Hi FrazzledMama...Thank you for checking on me. I am doing better today. My left side and face are "unfreezing" and my brain fog from the TIA has pretty much lifted though my thoughts (and coordination) still get scrambled off and on. I have been working online jigsaw and solitaire so that it works my brain . But overall am doing much better. Had a list of stuff I wanted to get done tomorrow but decided I am going to do nothing but kick back and veg out. You have a great Sunday!! Thanks again for checking on me. (smile)

FrazzledMama Jul 2018
Hi Dusti, just checking in to see how you are doing today. I hope you are doing okay.

Dusti22 Jul 2018
Hi Cwillie… I need to find a good neurologist. I also have a dormant seizure disorder. So glad your Mom was able to get help that stopped the TIA's. Feb 2017 I was diagnosed with chronic microvascular ischemic disease with vascular calcification present. Other than this they still have not been able to find out why I keep having strokes or the seizure disorder though they think it was due to an auto accident I had at age 16. My main strokes were at age 29 and age 31. I can live with the strokes just thankful that the dormant seizure disorder has not re-emerged though I have been told it could become active at any time.

cwillie Jul 2018
Dusti I hope you have a doctor that is working to get the underlying problems under control. Don't be complacent!! My mom finally found a neurologist who treated her aggressively when she was almost 90 - despite all the advice to stop statins and drop meds at her advanced age he did the opposite (as well as advising a vegan diet) and mom has been TIA/stroke free ever since. The consequences from years of infarcts are scary.

Dusti22 Jul 2018
Thanks Pam and Cwillie…it leveled off or I would have had my honey call 911. If it worsens definitely will call 911. The only thing they would do right now is keep me in overnight for observation and I cannot be away from home for that long. (no one to care for my honey or pups). So headed to bed soon... If no improvement soon will make the trip to hospital anyway. My honey's brother and SIL are coming up tomorrow so will see where things are at then.

Pam..have not been seen but may end up going. ( I am good at giving advice but am terrible at following it.....sheepish smile)

Cwillie..I hate it when this happens. Knew the stress over the last 8 months was finally affecting me but kept trying to keep it at bay. Should know it never works... when my body has had enough it stops me in my tracks. (I think)

Y'all take care and have a great night. By the way still figuring out how to navigate new site. Will get it down though....

cwillie Jul 2018
Oh Dusti, I know you say you've been through it all before but PLEASE don't avoid calling 911 when you have symptoms like that, the only difference between a minor stroke and a major one is in degree of damage, and sometimes time makes all the difference.

pamzimmrrt Jul 2018
Have you been seen at the hospital? Even if you are outside the window,, you need care and there are other things they can do!


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