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PaperdollWendy Posted August 2018

Am I mistaken?

I think my husband may have FTD dementia. A little background: 5 or 6 years ago he started being different or inappropriate, especially in public, with waitresses and in stores. He became loud and way too familiar with strangers. We always thought it a bit bizarre as my husband has always been kind of quiet and patient. He started to become unmotivated. I chalked it up to him losing his business a few years before and encouraged him to see a therapist. He did and it helped a little. Years passed and I’ve been watching my husband become a different man. This past year has been awful. He’s full of anger and irritation, he yells and calls me vulgar names over something as minor as he didn’t like that I sighed. It feels like he is paranoid. He can’t make decisions or do something as minor as move a tv because it’s too overwhelming. He’s become very self centered, once calling during a power outage to scream at them that he needed his power repaired first because he was the most important of everyone. He blurts out profanity if we go anywhere. He forgets things that happened 5 minutes ago, but talks about childhood memories freely (something he never used to talk freely about with me). He seems to not comprehend time, i.e. he’ll say something about what we did yesterday when it was actually 3 days ago. He belittles and puts down family members and me often, but doesn’t understand why it’s hurtful or that we get upset. It’s like he doesn’t understand the emotional response of others. The other day he wanted to get his power tools and start dismantling things at a local business we went to because he was curious, then screamed at me for a 1/2 hour after because I said that wasn’t appropriate. Sometimes he gets quite sexually forward with me in public, it’s embarrassing. It’s bizarre. It’s like a nightmare roller coaster with no option to get off. I want to leave! He also has severe neuropathy and sees a neurologist who has done an MRI and nothing has ever been said about brain atrophy although these behavioral symptoms have not been brought up either. Husband has a neurologist appointment later this month to discuss these issues. He takes Gabapentin and husband thinks all this may be side effects, as he cries a lot too. I think maybe the drug is making something underlying worse, as he had these things long before he started Gabapentin. He knows something is wrong but I’m not sure he grasps the depth. Am I mistaken to think this may be Frontotemporal Degeneration and Dementia? He is only 52.

natnatroswell22 Aug 2018
Oh I see, that would be good. Undergoing a proper diagnosis is very important. Please let us know the results by then.

PaperdollWendy Aug 2018
natnat - like my post states, he has an appointment later this month to discuss these issues. We hope to get to the bottom of it all.


natnatroswell22 Aug 2018
Have you gone to a doctor for proper diagnosis?

gladimhere Aug 2018
Take that letter to the doctor's office days BEFORE the appointment. See if you can have a telephone discussion with the doctor, again before tye appointment, but after the letter. From what you describe there is definitely something going on in hubby's brain. I say before so.hubs doesnt have the opportunity to derail discussion with He may, like many deny there is anything going on.

Make sure that there are the necessary planning documents in place, POA, DNR, etc.

EWRichardson Aug 2018

PaperdollWendy Aug 2018
Thanks for the input. I am definitely going to send a letter with my observations and concerns, so they don't get jumbled or forgotten.

wally003 Aug 2018
wow that's terrible to read. I almost thought, omg I hope that doesn't happen to me. it could happen to me...

you should print out your post with all that info on his behavior and bring it with you to his appointment. either that or make a condensed list of your post.

you may want the doctor read your comments prior to the appointment. its hard to 'go into' every 'situation' that you've experience, while in the doctors office. plus it may make you get too emotional...I know when I take my mom to dr.(alzheimers)...and talk about her business...I can get all mixed up and ramble on.

FrazzledMama Aug 2018
It sounds like he is definitely struggling with some cognitive issues, and medication can have side effects as well. I would definitely describe all of his symptoms to his neurologist so that the neurologist can do some additional assessment to try to determine the cause, and determine which medications will best help him. My mom's MRI didn't show any major brain changes, but her doctor said that there can be changes or neuro damage that may not always show up on a scan.


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