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anonymous841475 Posted October 2018

Resource source for caregiver support...

This isn't so much a question as it is hopefully a source of information for people. I sort of stumbled onto finding a six-week class for caregivers that's given by a local caregiving agency in Massachusetts. It's free and it meets once a week for 2 hours. The classes and the handbook are extremely useful. (My wife and I are both age 70 and she suffers from mild to moderate dementia, among other ailments. I am her caregiver.) My point in mentioning this is that people in similar situations might check with their local senior center, elder-care organization, or any other local group concerned about elder issues to see if there is a local resource in your area. I'm extremely grateful I found out about the one in my town. I've learned a lot about how to handle situations that arise, easing my own angst (as well as that of my wife), and about supplemental resources.


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