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Dusti22 Posted November 2018

Totally heartbroken; My honey passed away.

Well everyone. I am totally heartbroken as I sit here with tears running down my face. My honey passed away at 2:15 am yesterday morning. I was called at 900 am on Thurs morn and told to get to the hospital as he would be lucky to make it through the day or following day. I called his brother and headed to the hospital and they started their drive up. I was at the hospital from 1100 am Thurs to around 4 am Friday morning. He had told me several times while I was sitting there and before that he was tired and just wanted it over. He held on knowing his brother was on the way. Just before he passed over he asked his brother and sister in law to watch over me and take care of me (they are like my brother and sister). Palliative care stepped in near the last and kept him comfortable and at peace until he passed. I don't know what I would have done without them there. They stayed until today to make sure I was ok and then they had to head home.

Though I am no longer a caregiver if it is ok I would like to still drop in and say hi and add my two cents every once in a while. Y'all have a wonderful weekend and Thanksgiving.

CarlaCB Feb 2019
Nightmare, I'm so sorry for your loss. We're often told that we'll have plenty of time to carry on our own lives after our parents pass away but in some cases, it just doesn't work out that way. I understand you had the best intentions putting your relationship on hold and did it to support your Mom like a good daughter. It's just so sad that you won't get to experience life with your partner after caring for your Mom is over. So, so sorry!

Nightmare1954 Feb 2019
So sorry for your loss 😣 I am 24/7 caregiver to my mom who has severe dementia and was just diagnosed with terminal late stage cancer 2 weeks ago also the day after my mother was diagnosed my honey who is 9 years younger than me passed away suddenly a undetected aneurysm. I put our relationship on hold to help my mom through a difficult time and now I feel like I'm going to be left alone. I don't mean to take away from your sorrow at all I'm very sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.


SueC1957 Feb 2019
I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. May God wrap His arms around you and ease your pain. Time will help. Keep yourself busy.
If you have another bedroom, you might try sleeping in there for awhile.

((((Big Hugs))))

DeanneMarie Feb 2019
So very sorry,

anonymous272157 Feb 2019
Juder and Dustin, sympathy for your recent losses.  Grieving the death of someone so close to us is so hard, especially when we loved them so deeply. Please keep in touch. Prayers and big HUGS

pamzimmrrt Feb 2019
I am so sorry for your loss, Take care of yourself during this time and remember all the love you shared.

smeshque Feb 2019
I am so sorry for your loss. I have lost loved ones, yet not a spouse. But I understand the cloud of grief that can succomb you.
I have watched spouses grieving their loved ones, and I know it is very difficult. I do also know that time and the Lord heals sorrow and grief. It never goes away, but becomes manageable. I will be praying for you. Hang in there. It will get better, it will.

judertoo Feb 2019
I am in the process of grieving also. My best friend and husband died Jan. 20th. The house is so lonely without him. I fall apart every morning and every night when he is not beside me in our bed. It is so empty. This house is so filled with memories and constant reminders of him. When something happens that we cared about, he is not here so we could share it. My grief is overwhelming me.

Dusti22 Nov 2018
Thanks Shad250 and Dcurnan… It is so hard right now but I am hanging in there.

shad250 Nov 2018
Im so sorry for your loss

Dcurnan Nov 2018
Dusti i am so deeply sorry for your loss. I hope you are taking time for yourself. Thats whats most important right now. You, taking care of you. Youve always been there for me and you dont know how much i appreciated it. My mother passed in early september and its been very hard. Ive noticed now theres so many things i want to tell her and ill walk into my parents house ready to say maa theres something ive gotta tell you and i catch myself. Thats something that i hope will pass in time but thats what i miss so much. Take care and be safe. Deb

Dusti22 Nov 2018
Hi Everyone,

- Thanks Gershun and SueC.

- Well everyone I just started my new thread. Right now it is under "end of life" in the discussion section. Thought it belonged in discussion rather than questions. Y'all have a great Wednesday!


Gershun Nov 2018
By the way Dusti, it's great if people who lose their loved ones do stay and share what happens in the aftermath of care giving. So stick around of course.

SueC1957 Nov 2018
Sorry Dusti. Your honey is at peace and you are starting a new journey.
May God comfort your grieving heart and illuminate your path.

Gershun Nov 2018
So sorry for your loss Dusti. Your post was very touching. Of course you should keep on posting. My beloved mom passed three and a half years ago and I still am hanging around. We would be sad if you disappeared. ((((Hugs))))

Dusti22 Nov 2018
Thanks everyone for the condolences, support and caring. I sure miss him and will be starting a new thread about the next chapter in my without the love of my life, Steve, though I know he will always be with me. Y'all have a great night and a safe, fun and Happy Thanksgiving. I hope my new thread will help others by what I am going through and feeling as I start my new journey.

97yroldmom Nov 2018
Dear Dusti
I know you are happy for him that he has fought the good fight and is at peace.
Your posts were always so upbeat even though you usually had difficult issues to deal with. You have an amazing attitude. Good luck with your paintings and do come back and share your journey. You can rest now knowing he doesn’t need you to watch over him.

anonymous828521 Nov 2018
Thanks for sharing, glad you have support in place. Get your rest friend.✌💞

smeshque Nov 2018
Oh Dusti- I am so very sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved and cared for him. You did a wonderful job caring for him, and enduring through all the challenged you were faced with. You are a very strong woman. I know that you are heartbroken and I am so sad for you. Draw your strength from the Lord. I will be praying for you. Please do continue to visit here. It would be very good for you and helpful to others for you to write your experiences. Much love Dear Friend and we are here. And HE is there.

FrazzledMama Nov 2018
Hugs, Dusti, I am so sorry for your loss. You are always welcome here. I think starting a thread on your experience with grief as a caregiver could be helpful to you in processing your feelings and journey, as well as helping others who are going through the same.

I'm praying for you and for your honey's family.

Dusti22 Nov 2018
Hi Everyone... since the discussion will not allow me to respond to everyone individually, I just want to thank everyone for your comments, prayers and comfort. It means so much to me. And knowing y'all are here is a major comfort.

I wanted to get everyone's thoughts.... I am thinking about writing about what I am going through with the loss of my honey in the hopes that maybe it will help someone else who is going through the same thing and I wanted to get y'alls thoughts on it. I am not sure whether to post here or to start a new discussion. What are y'alls thoughts on that.

Y'all have a great night and a wonderful, safe and fun Thanksgiving.

Isthisrealyreal Nov 2018
I am sorry for your loss. HUGS and Love to you, you are a precious woman and have been through a tremendous trial.

Take care of you and remember the good times. His misery is finally over.

Please stick around, you have advise that will help others through similar struggles.

May you be blessed with grieving mercies and many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!

BlackHole Nov 2018
I’m so sorry for your loss, Dusti. You were an awesome caregiver. Diligent and thorough — and always thinking ahead. Your honey might have been a handful at times(!), but he was YOUR handful. And your love and your grace always prevailed. Wishing you peace, comfort and blessings during this difficult time. (You are always welcome on AC Forum!) Big hugs.

pamzimmrrt Nov 2018
Dusti I am so sorry, I can imagine how lost and sad you must be. My prayers are with you, and you know he loved you and your care was wonderful

MountainMoose Nov 2018
Oh, Dusti, I am so very sorry. Please accept a gentle cyber embrace and my condolences. Be good to yourself and let others help you. Let us know how you're doing.

Please come back and give your two cents! I was Mom's live-in caregiver for 13 months until she passed. My friends on this forum probably saved my life and I check in nearly every day to try to carry help forward. Those of us no longer providing care can still give advice and comfort and be comforted.

JoAnn29 Nov 2018
So sorry for ur loss. I'm still here and Mom has been gone over a year. Ur input could be very important to others.

Sendhelp Nov 2018
Sorry for your loss, Dusti.

GingerMay Nov 2018
So sorry for your loss. I am happy you have the support of your BIL and SIL. Yes, please, do continue to visit this site and post. Your comments and insights will help others, and you will always have a place here. I hope you find comfort in having had such a great love.

rocketjcat Nov 2018
Dusti, I am so sorry to read this. Your Honey’s immense struggles are finally over, but yours are not. Please let us know how you’re doing, take advantage of the support of your in-laws, and try to do things that calm your mind and soul. Your comments comforting other posters here, even through your own struggles, are always so supportive. It shows you have such a kind heart. Please take care of it. ❤️

Shell38314 Nov 2018
Dusti, I am sorry for your lost. Take some time to take care of yourself.

God bless you.

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