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anonymous272157 Posted December 2018

No question, just heavy sadness. My aunt has dropped into another stage, more loss.

She has no awareness of self as she appears in nothing but her pj top, remembers nothing just said, eats 2 bites, gives rest to dog. Less strength, fell in bathroom on Thanksgiving and went to ER. Can't do child's puzzle or make sense out of tv show. I am just missing who she used to be.

anonymous272157 Dec 2018
Yes, Countrymouse, it has turned colder.  Maybe she's noticed a draft.  haha

Countrymouse Dec 2018
Yes, it could have been a TIA or it could even have been an actual micro stroke that has been repaired - you do get some recovery, even in very elderly brains.

Would it unkind to wonder if the weather has suddenly turned much colder where you are?!


anonymous272157 Dec 2018
My aunt is improving so that we can have a conversation (short), and I wonder if she had a TIA several weeks ago.  It did not show on CT scan, but they seldom do.  Is it normal to  recover somewhat with Vascular Dementia?  She hasn't walked around naked for days.

MountainMoose Dec 2018
I am sorry. It's hard to watch someone you love lose the life they and loved ones know. Please consider Ahmijoy's post about calling hospice.

MargaretMcKen Dec 2018
The song says 'the sooner it's over, the sooner we sleep'. Best wishes.

Ahmijoy Dec 2018
I’m so sorry. Have you considered calling Hospice?


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