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Flightymom Posted December 2018

WARNING: be careful what terms you use when speaking to your elder’s bank/financial advisor/lawyer prior to getting a POA signed.

My brother mentioned to Mom’s financial advisor that Mom has dementia. Now he refuses to speak to Mom about her stocks and can’t help us liquidate so we can get her into assisted living.

anonymous567821 Dec 2018
I made sure I had a doctors note stating that my father was of sound mind.
The lawyer, at first, was not going to take a copy of that letter then he thought again and took a copy of that letter for his files.
I have the original in my files.

Flightymom Dec 2018
Thank you. We met with Mom’s lawyer on Friday and he did turn out to be compassionate. He prepared the POA for us without any difficulty. This simple slip caused a great deal of worry, however. I understand that elders need to be protected, even from themselves sometimes, but it should take more than a simple word of heresay for them to be locked out of their accounts.


Riverdale Dec 2018
Ccertain decent lawyers will try their best to deal with this. If the person is too far gone mentally they might not be able to but if they can find a sliver of reality they could try. A friend of ours had a serious stroke. It took a couple of trys and alot of calm conversations with the spouse and adult children and finally the lawyer felt confident she could enact the POA. It is best to have a lawyer who specializes in elder care law.


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