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HappyWill Posted January 2019

I saw Mary Poppins Returns, I really, really liked it. But the amazing thing was seeing Dick Van Dyke, who is 91 years do great work & dance.

First off, it was a really good movie. Really entertaining the way movies used to be. And Dick Van Dyke was really an inspiration to us getting older. He had all the chops. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!........ and God Bless!!!

HappyWill Jan 2019
Love all of your responses. I love great story telling and it's the author PL Travers who created such a great character in Mary Poppins. She's the magic. I'm not sure this movie is as good as the original, but it's still really good. So is Meryl Streep.

GingerMay Jan 2019
I saw Dick Van Dyke in ads for the movie and was pleasantly surprised how engaged, happy, and active he appeared. An inspiration I will chose to keep in mind as I age. I just wonder why do so many aging people become bitter, angry, sad, emotional, and needy? (Like my parents who I do not want to end up like and am so afraid this is the default mode. Is there a way to avoid it?)


cdnreader Jan 2019
Dear HappyWill,

I haven't had a chance to see the movie yet, but looking forward to it.

I hope we can all live a long and healthy life. What an inspiration he is!

MargaretMcKen Jan 2019
I saw the trailer on the net news, and can't wait for it to be released here in Australia. Dick Van Dyke is already immortal for providing the worst ever mock-Cockney accent of all time - and it seems that he is getting to be immortal himself. How nice to get happy!

Daughterof1930 Jan 2019
I saw it too, a bit wistfully as the original was long my mom’s favorite movie and we’d watched it so many times. I enjoyed it, not as much as the original, but good. But my favorite part was Dick Van Dyke at the end, he was fabulous! I’ve seen him interviewed and he says he dances everyday without missing. What a happy, positive step to longevity!


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