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Disabled12 Posted February 2019

A suggestion to solve refusing to wear hearing aids.

My husband is supposed to wear his hearing aid and refuses to. I found that I was using up all my energy by shouting everything to him more than twice. I need my energy for the constant caregiving I give to him all day and evening. In order to conserve my energy I purchased a cheap Megaphone. It works on batteries and it saved my energy. It is not expensive and it solved the problem.

freqflyer Apr 2019
Personally, I think we need to go back to the old fashioned ear-trumpet. These ear-trumpets are like holding up a mega phone to one's ear. They probably would work just as good and no batteries are needed.

Oh those tiny batteries, really now.... today's medical group really think an elder who has trouble seeing can carefully handle something so small and try to place it inside a hearing aid ?? When clearing out my parents house, I found a ton of those batteries that were dropped everywhere :P

With the ear-trumpet, one could decorate or have different colors made to match what someone is wearing. This could become the best "new thing" to take to "Shark Tank" :)

lkdrymom Apr 2019
I had this problem with my father. Took forever to convince him to get them. Took time off of work to get them for him then he decides he doesn't like how he sounds with them and returned them. I made it very clear to him that if he did this I was no longer his 'back up ears". No making phone calls for him or repeating what others said. He agreed. Then immediately asked me to make a phone call for him 'because he can't hear". I refused. Stop shouting. Stop repeating yourself They chose to live in this type of world so let them. I was done having a sore throat after having a half hour visit with him.


MadameSilks Apr 2019
You didn't mention dementia, does he have that?
a dementia client of mine lost/hid/pitched his hearing aids while his wife was out of the house, she could find them NoWhere. so frustrating for her. She made the decision to give up after the scenario happened a 2nd Time!!!! can you imagine?!

If he isn't suffering from dementia, I think it is a matter of being considerate twd others for him to take advantage of hearing aids.

I have a friend who can hardly hear talking in a normal range, and especially when her tv volume is turned up to 90, which also makes it impossible for the rest of us to speak to each other. There is not one reason in the world for her not to have them, and yet...

JoAnn29 Feb 2019
At his age and suffering from Dementia trying to get them to wear them is a lost cause. Like your idea.

If you come into deafness later on in life. Its very hard to know how to use them. The little wheels for volume, etc are hard for the elderly to use especially if arthritus is involved. Mom had little tubes in the beginning but she could never get them to stay in the ear. So she changed to molds but kept pulling on the tubing to remove them and would pull the tubing out. The last fitting my DH had, the mold was too tight so the woman shaved it down. I now wonder if that was Moms problem the mold was too big. She never wore hers either.

Your husbands are missing so much. My DH has been deaf since 3 and he gets so depressed that he can't hear.

Midkid58 Feb 2019
My DH won't even entertain the idea of GETTING ha's. It's just something he won't discuss. Being deaf doesn't bother HIM, why should it bother me?

I have a Karaoke machine--thinking of strapping that on and turning it to 11.

I HAVE used a megaphone and it hurt MY ears.


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