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Dianed58 Posted May 2019

Managing long-term supervision needs of someone with ALZ and catheter. (part 1)

Dad is 88, has Alzheimer's…and prostate cancer. He’s lived with me and husband for almost four years. I’ve built a support system of day care, various volunteers and formal overnight respite that has worked thus far. Dad is otherwise healthy, robust for his age; I adore my Dad – we have fun together - we actually go out dancing occasionally! He is pleasant, funny engaging and thankful for the assistance I provide. All the helpers love him! I know that in the world of Alzheimer’s – I am lucky.

This week he had to have a catheter inserted directly into his bladder – as the Foley catheter through the penis either came out - or he pulled it out – seven times in three days! – most of those while in the ER or hospital, twice overnight at home. He is still @ VA hospital where he is getting good care – medically stable and ready for discharge. We are trying to come up with a discharge plan that meets his needs – and doesn’t burn me out. (He had Foley catheter once before, recovering here at home; I didn’t sleep for those 3 weeks! I’d startle awake every time he shuffled to the bathroom.)

Dad's care needs are complicated of course by the Alzheimer's, and his inability to understand/remember he has a catheter. Everyone is concerned he'll pull it out again. Since the insertion, he's been on 24-hour 1-1 bedside supervision, now being weaned from that. Also has had an elastic abdominal binder (essentially an elastic girdle) to make it harder for him to get at the catheter. He repeatedly (like several times an hour!) asks to go to bathroom – needs eyeball supervision in bathroom, and tends to reach for the catheter when he first wakes up or is not otherwise engaged in conversation/activity. The medical staff now suspect that bladder/prostate spasms were the cause of the catheter coming out so much; he is now on some medication to reduce that. And the direct catheter is less irritating, less of an ‘attractive nuisance’ than the Foley, thus the hope is he will have less urge to pee, and less likely to pull out catheter.

He's done well at Memory Care in the past, but that facility is not licensed to take anyone with a catheter; now needs higher level skilled nursing care, though he otherwise doesn't really fit the nursing home profile. He needs almost constant supervision due to risk of his messing with the catheter! This is what worries me the most about having him back home. NO ONE can do that alone, provide that level of supervision 24/7; and even with possible at home nursing care, I fear it will bury me. But, in reality, none of the facilities can provide that level of 1-1 supervision either. And now we have just learned that NYS health regulations prohibit use of an abdominal binder outside of hospital - as it is considered a restraint. So we are having difficulty finding a NYS facility that would take him, with those supervision parameters. The VA now wants to look at facilities in neighboring Massachusetts where rules are different – an hour’s ride away. NOT a good idea in my view!

So for now we are working on making a plan to get him into an appropriate facility - at least for several weeks – to see how that works out while he heals from the surgery - while also looking at what home care services could provide. VA is working on weaning him off the intense supervision and the binder - so as to assess what sort of supervision he actually needs. I have asked the SWker to speak directly with the NYS Health Dept to check into this “no abdominal binder” rule - find out if there is some work-around. Also asking the medical staff to speak to the necessity of the binder or to come up with some alternative.

Continued in next post......

rocketjcat Sep 2019
Diane, how is your Dad doing now and have you resolved the catheter issue? I wanted to concur with RN to pursue that restraint thing. I’m in NY and they were definitely going to release mom to a N.H. with a girdle/binder if we had gone ahead with a feeding tube. (Which we didn’t). And a gentleman in her N.H. with a tube did wear a binder. Where the heck do they think these people will go? Good grief a binder is no more a restraint than Moms stupid bra she wore until the end.

RN61LTC Sep 2019
I know this post is a bit older, but for future reference - A temporary restraint (the waist binder) is allowed if consent is obtained from the POA and kept in the resident's chart. I checked NYC's laws as I don't live there and this is allowed in my state as well as in New York's.


Shane1124 Jun 2019
Give him a few weeks at the care center and see how he does with it. I’ve cared for many of these patients before and perhaps it was a miracle but no one pulled theirs out!
A few had some dementia as well.
If he pulls it out send him to the ER - they can replace it.
After a few weeks he may get used to it.

Dianed58 Jun 2019
Thank you.
Yes it is a suprapubic catheter. He has been doing well so far, (no infection, no tugging on it) - but I fear the catheter is a permanent thing. Dad is otherwise healthy - so we are talking possibly many years of managing this new normal.
And yes the catheter has already been an issue in finding a suitable placement for Dad. After two weeks in hospital, he just went to a nursing facility - but clearly doesn't fit in - he is too high functioning for the unit he is on.

My concern about "managing" the catheter, given dad's moderate dementia, is the day-day stuff. Like every time he asks to go to the bathroom, forgetting he has the catheter, not understanding why he has a catheter, the risk of him pulling it out, or dismantling the bag as he has done in the past, following him to the bathroom day & night - losing sleep. Can I bring him home without losing my mind!? Up until now, he had been living with me - 4 years - we have done well.  But I just don't know if I can keep up the constant vigilance that he now needs. I fear it will wear me out and make me resentful.

Shane1124 Jun 2019
Is it a suprapubic catheter? If so the catheter should be changed every month. He’ll have to go to the urologists office to do that (that’s how it’s done here). If you are looking for placement keep that in mind. It’s a sterile procedure.


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