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Laceysterror Posted July 2019


Well me and my husband went to see daddy today - they were supposed to have a 4th celebration cookout but it turned in to just a regular lunch for them all. Daddy was in an ill mood today, obviously asking the same questions and just basically being a prick. I did everything I could think of to make him feel better but he was just being indifferent to anything and everything and I finally just got fed up and left.

I know I'm not responsible for his mental well being but as someone who's been through severe bouts of depression, it worried me. Thankfully the dr listened to my suggestion and placed daddy on Remeron in addition to his zoloft he's already on. I hope that it helps his disposition.

Thanks yall for putting up with me, you have no idea how much it means to be able to open up to people who actually understand what I'm going through. Love you guys!

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2019
I thinks that's great news!

AlvaDeer Jul 2019
I hope it works, but do remember that the depression is reality based. The end of life issues, the low slow slide into decline is really nothing to be happy about. Hope the medications works, but do remember there are side effects, sometime they cause more anger and despair. So google them and understand those possibilities and do remember, you are not responsible to make your dad feel anything, but just to be there and here him. Families always think that they have to change what someone feels. Take for instance us. It isn't important that we CHANGE what you feel. It's only important that we HEAR what you feel. We can't make it better, but we can offer a typed hug, and we can hear what you are going through. Sometimes that is worth more than a pill. Just the words "Dad, I hear what you are going through. How hard it is. It is hard for us to know, and not be able to help. Just know we love you. We are all trying however we can to make it just a little better, and so sorry it doesn't always work".



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