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NeedHelpWithMom Posted August 2019

I have decided to apply for Aid and Assistance for mom as a veteran spouse. Please everyone say a prayer for me.

I so want to have additional funds to be able to the hire help that I need. Don’t know if I can get mom into an assisted living facility or not. I at least need more hands on help.

May I please ask all of you to be pulling for me. Say prayers, send good thoughts my way, anything...

I would appreciate it so very much and thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’m so tired. I’m so worn out. Been at this since August, 2005! I really need a break.

My mom could live to be 100! She’s going to be 94 this November.

lilhelp Aug 2019
Praying for you.  God will make this happen for you ~ and her.  I so hear you in needing a break.

Try for Assisted Living .. or nursing home, but know that this will still not take all that stress off of you. You'll still be monitoring, supplying, etc., and it's very stressful .. but better than zero.

Again, my prayers for your success, and remember to take care of You.  

Mart13 Aug 2019
Wasn’t hard for me to get aid for my mom. Took all paperwork to va rep He was very helpful. The 1st bank person was lost but manager knew how to set up account. Va rep comes to house once a year. I just have a bank statement and other papers ready and they fill out the paperwork


lkdrymom Aug 2019
I hired a lawyer to do this for my father. Long process took 8 months. Now I have to jump through more hoops to get the retro amount.

Be sure go to a Veterans Service Officer or Contact your local VA center, no not pay anyone. A lot info is needed a service officer can help with eligibility &!spending down, veteran has to have served during war time. Best of Luck. I just applied in May for my Dad, 90 yrs old, still waiting on a decision to be approved. May take a few months , Va service officer helped & sent in all info needed.

NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2019
Thanks so much, smeshque!

smeshque Aug 2019
Praying for you.


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