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anonymous824816 Posted August 2019

Not a question, but advice: Don't order flowers for a funeral service from online sites.

I sincerely advise against ordering flowers for deceased from online flowers sites. Order from a local flower shop directly. I made that mistake and never received 3 arrangements for the service nor full refund. Just a word of caution.

kwyattearp Aug 2019
At my mom's ALF, I would see boxes from 1 800 FLOWERS pile up at the front desk. I would help assemble the arrangements and haul out the excessive packaging. The staff there did not have time to unbox the flowers, trim them, put them in vase, etc. Many senders look at the finished product online, but don't realize someone has to put those arrangements together at the receiving end and most of the elderly were not even able to get the box open.

caring4ken Aug 2019
This reminds me of an incident a few years ago. My partner’s sister sent him some Peruvian Lillies because he had been in hospital. It was August and we live in Palm Springs CA so in August it’s not unusual to have temperatures of 115+
the stems were like over cooked asparagus. I called the customer service number and they were quite nice about it sent a new order, it was another scorcher and UPS makes residential delivers at the end of the day. So the flowers literally cook on the truck. I couldn’t ask them to refund his sister or she would make way too much of it. She loves to kvetch, and some how it would have been my fault (yup, I have one of those sister-in-laws). So I thanked her for the beautiful flowers, no harm no foul- right? Wrong, 800flowers wonderful customer service sent a follow up email to her grrrrr
i will add that I personally use Telaflora and 99% of the time they work with excellent local florists - never been disappointed


Llamalover47 Aug 2019
I've never had a problem with online florists. I only had a problem one time with a local florist, whom I never used again.
Tip - If I'm not going to be attending the funeral, I know someone who is and ask them to snap a pic of my floral arrangement. Always works.

MaryKathleen Aug 2019
I have used Teleflora many times. I have never been disappointed. I wouldn't order eatables because so many of my family have allergies to one thing or another. Of, course, there is that one time for all of us when we are disappointed. For example, if I recommend a restaurant, the night my friends go, the chef is sick and the busboy is cooking.

Maryjann Aug 2019
I've had good luck finding a local shop recommended by Yelp and then calling them directly.

PowerOf3 Aug 2019
My godmother was to have a weekly arrangement delivered to her gravestone every Wednesday in Maui, we’re in California. We visit once a year and paid over $150+ a month for 5-6 years till we showed up and dead flowers were being removed and groundskeeper said 1 time a month a cruddy arrangement of whatever was delivered. Not star gazer Lily’s weekly!!! So rude to take advantage of us! Needless to say, we canceled but godfather didn’t dispute charges.

janlee Aug 2019
I call the funeral home and ask them who they use and recommend. That has always worked well.

freqflyer Aug 2019
For years I have used FTD, which offers both boxed flowers, or delivery from a florist in the area. I have always choose the actual florist. Never had an problems.

I have been on the receiving end of flowers/plants that are went to me in a cardboard box from various flower companies. About 50% of the time the item really looked nice, other times the plant looked like it was car sick from across country travel :P Poor thing was always so hot and thirty.

At the hospital where I do volunteer work, any flowers that come in I deliver. Those that come in a box, I am just to leave the box. My gosh, I hope a family member or visitor will help the patient unbox the flowers, as boxed flowers aren't easy to remove from the box. It's can be quite a struggle and I have broken a few plants that had been sent to me... oops.

drooney Aug 2019
I once ordered flowers for a wake fr online service. Flowers stems were drooping and no blooms opened. Service assured me flowers would eventually open, but what good is that? Refused to pay! On my BOA credit card and they respected my wish! Have used other services that did well with arrangements, but this one for wake was referred by the funeral parlor!

DizzyBritches Aug 2019
I’ve had good luck with 1-800-Flowers online. I usually use them to send flowers to my sister on her birthday. A bouquet of tulips can brighten a North Dakota winter.

Jasmina Aug 2019
Good to know. Thanks for the heads up.

thepianist Aug 2019
To echo an earlier commenter, I would never order from Edibles, their fruit is very iffy. I would post a review of the poor service on Yelp, Google, the website itself, anywhere possible. Businesses don't like to look bad in public, it hurts their bottom line and maybe they would respond better.

50sChild Aug 2019
For my Dad's 98th birthday (he died two months later) I ordered from an FTD online florist, five days in advance of his birthday. The bouquet arrived four days after his birthday. It was devastating to me. I attempted to resolve with the company directly, they blew me off. I went to BBB and though it took nearly two months, I received a full refund.

Midkid58 Aug 2019
Same with anything you do online--you need to follow up. I thought Incredible INdebles was a great company until my mother sent me an arrangement she could not afford!! and at 8:30 on a HOT july day I get a saggy, rotted "thing: I would not have accepted delivery of, but I wasn't the one who answered the door. Mother had been franticallt calling the 'online' store, trying to find out why I hadn't received anything---I got, it and opened the card and dropped the whole drippy mess in the trash.

She said she never got a call or email (which she can't her phone doesn't DO texts) and she never answered her phone, so technically, yes, the item was delivered, but in such terrible condition it was not eaten.

I tried to get the info on the delivery (to have her reimbursed--$60 is a lot for a tight budgeted old lady) and although I did call several times to the store manager, they were right in ignoring me. I forgot about it and they got away with cruddy service.

I am very particular about flowers and such--I personally check them out and even deliver them myself if possible.

And POOR service needs to be noted in the 'comments' section of all internet companies. They can get away with a LOT, knowing most of us are too busy to try to make things right.

anonymous824816 Aug 2019
Cali After you pay the credit card billing it is not open for dispute at my card issuer. so you have to slug it out with site:(
Disputed 21 times ( with them by e-mail ) over 30 days just about finished.
I will not name site as they all have the same complaint. BBB
Buy the time I have it resolved they will be sending me flowers for my service:(

They confirmed delivery three different times, and they had never arrive. even offered a fruit basket for the grave site.
Kept wanting to send little bouquet to me.
and substitutions of all sorts less products by parcel delivery.
Claimed funeral homes will not accept flowers for grave side service. On and on with anything but delivering flowers or complete refund.

Just my experience, if you do well more power to you.

NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2019
I order online from 1-800-flowers and they are terrific! Love how they track and notify you when flowers reach the funeral home.

NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2019

You’re correct. My husband ordered valentine flowers for me at a very reputable local florist and they didn’t arrive.

worriedinCali Aug 2019
Honestly this can happen even if you order from a local flower shop directly.

Did you dispute the charge with your card issuer?

Geaton777 Aug 2019
What site did you order them from?


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