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freqflyer Posted August 2019

Strange sightings regarding a love one who has passed.

The previous discussion has been closed, so I am starting over. The following was written in 2018.

The other day I was looking at some of late Dad's books in his book case when out of the blue the mantel clock [gave that clock to my parents on their 50th anniversary] which was on the top of the bookcase, chimed... it scared me silly.

I have had that mantel clock now for over a year and never winded it up as I didn't want the chimes to scare the cats. Plus Dad didn't have the clock winded while he lived in senior living.

It was no special day, no anniversary or anyone's birthday. And I had rummaged around that book case on and off during the year, so if there was a chime left in the clock it would have rung long before now.

Maybe my late Dad was telling me that he had met up with my late cat Sara who had passed the day before.

earlybird Aug 2019
I had a beautiful dream about my deceased brother, he passed three years ago of cancer. My brother was walking toward me with a big smile on his face, clean shaving, and extremely happy, as he was walking toward me a bright light was surrounding him and as quick as I saw him, he started fading away in the background. I had such a peaceful feeling I can't describe. He looked like he did when he was in the navy after high school. I know he is free of health problems and he is extremely content and happy with God in heaven.

Harpcat Aug 2019
I do think loved ones can send us signs after departure. I had a close friend who died from ovarian cancer. On our last phone call to each other I asked her to let me know when she transitioned. Well a few weeks later I was laying in bed one Sunday morning with my husband who was fast asleep and it felt as if someone forcefully blew air on my cheek. It startled me as there was no one there, no window open, no fan on and hubby asleep. I thought what the hell was that? At the time I didn’t know my friend has died. A few weeks later I had sent her a card. Her husband called me very apologetic to tell me that she had passed several weeks ago but he had not gotten around to calling everyone but was planning a memorial . I was in shock and I told him what had happened and sure enough it was the day she died. So I took that as her sign to tell me she had transitioned.
A funny dad lost his dentures in LTC. My sister will talk to my deceased mom and ask her when things are lost to help her. So she asked her about the dentures. Mom showed her a pocket. We found out later they were in the laundry room because staff found them in his shirt pocket.

So many instances of loved ones after 9/11 being visited by the deceased. I say if it seems likely to you then it probably is. And if it isn’t, who knows. If it comforts you that’s all that matters.


Gershun Aug 2019
It's funny cause I posted my response on here and lay down for a nap. I went into a really deep sleep and had a dream that I opened my mail and there was an envelope addressed to Q &A. My mom's handwriting really deteriorated when she started to get sick and it was written in that handwriting. The envelope was full of family photos. I never really looked at the pics. I was more concerned that I had ripped the envelope when I'd opened it and was trying to tape it back together.

When I woke up I thought about it and thought that the q &a might have stood for questions and answers.

Odd dream. Probably means nothing but it got me to thinking cause when I went to the eye doc the other day he asked me about family history and I couldn't answer him cause mom was always very tight lipped about things and I've been wondering about those things lately.

Shell38314 Aug 2019
I don't think a strange sighting is always a passed LO giving us a sign or it is just wishful thinking. I think some strange sightings are from our passed LO and other times, I think it is us wanting to know that they are still with us (wishful thinking).

Just the other night, I went into my kitchen for a bottle water and my kitchen smelled like toast. My dad loved toast with his tea at night and with his coffee in the morning. This happened in the middle of the night and everyone was a sleep. So, I think it was my dad letting me know he is here. Other times, something strange will happen and I think it is my dad then realize it is just the house making it old normal sounds!

Gershun, I believe your mom is with you more than you might think!

Cwilly, I once read in a book that when a bird hits your house or (using your words) stiff as a board means 'someone will pass away or did pass away.' I don't know how true it is, but you definitely didn't need a red finch to tell you that! Sigh

FF, I have no idea what to tell you except that only you know if it was just the clock or it was your dad. But it does make a case for strange sightings--that's for sure!

earlybird Aug 2019
After my father passed I was depressed and very sad. One day I went into the fridge and took out a few veggie dogs. One of them was standing upright twirling around. I started to laugh and out of the blue I said Dad stop doing that. He used to like to joke. It certainly got me out of my depressed state.

cwillie Aug 2019
I'm agreeing with you Gershun, I think a lot of times we see what we are looking for simply because we are focused on noticing stuff - it's like when you break a bone and suddenly all around you people are wearing casts, or you or someone close to you is pregnant and suddenly you seem to be surrounded by pregnant women.
People like to tell stories about birds coming to visit after a loved one dies, well I had a little red finch sitting on my doorstep the day before mom's funeral, the next morning it was still there stiff as a board... what kind of omen was that?

Gershun Aug 2019
FF I know you've had these strange occurrences a few times. Sometimes it may be that you just didn't notice this before? Not that I'm discounting what you think.

When my mom first died I was always seeking signs from her. Now four years later I wonder if it was just wishful thinking on my part. For instance they say seeing feathers on your path is a sign. When mom first died I was always seeing feathers and hoping it mean't something. Now when I see feathers I just think a bird was probably in the area and shed one of its feathers.

Maybe I'm just getting cynical. Mind you one day I was folding sweaters and trying to get them to stay up on the shelf in my bedroom closet. They kept falling down. I was getting really pissed off. Suddenly I heard my mom's voice in my head say "roll them dear" So I rolled them instead of folding them and sure enough they stayed. Now I know this is such a inconsequential thing. Meaningless in the big picture but I know I didn't conjure up her voice in my head. And my mom was the housecleaning queen so who knows.

I'd love for my mom to visit me or an angel to send me a message from her.

freqflyer Aug 2019
Well, this afternoon while cleaning up an old wine rack that had a few bottles left over from when my Dad had passed two year ago, I came across an empty bottle... say what?

No way I would have placed an empty bottle on that wine rack. It didn't leak out as nothing was showing on the flooring. Guess it is my Dad playing another one of his jokes on me :)


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