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Lorraine12 Posted August 2019

As you all know, my lil auntie has been at the end of her journey. On Sunday at 8 am, Auntie passed away with a SMILE ON HER FACE.

On Sunday at 8am Auntie passed away with a SMILE ON HER FACE....SHE IS FINALLY AT PEACE NOW FREE FROM THAT HORRIBLE DISEASE ALZHEIMER'S AND NO MORE PAIN! I want to thank all for you for helping me through this longest journey of miserable Alzheimer's disease! You all kept me sane and to hear all your stories made me realize I was never alone although God was always with me all said the words I needed to read& hear. There were days I thought I was at the end of my rope, but somebody out there on this forum always said just the right thing and I'd snap out of it. Thanks to all of you!! AUNTIE IS ON TO HER NEXT JOURNEY!!

Lorraine12 Aug 2019
I am so THANKFUL TO ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR WORDS AND CONDOLENCES !!! It means so much to me. SO BUZY to get things done, loose ends tied up ,trying to remember all who knew her ect....I am Feeling LIGHTER ...its the only way I can describe this feeling I keep going to check on her then I stop & this lightness comes over me its strange ..Thank you all so very much!

earlybird Aug 2019
Lorraine, My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Your aunt is at peace at last. Hope you get some much needed rest. Many blessings to you and God bless you!


freqflyer Aug 2019
My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family.

Sunnygirl1 Aug 2019
Please accept my condolences. I know you are relieved that she is now on her next journey and free of the Alz.

MountainMoose Aug 2019
I'm sorry for your great loss, Lorraine. I'm relieved for you--and her--that her ordeal is over. You gave her a peaceful final journey for which I have no doubt she's watching over you. Hugs to you, my dear.

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2019
Blessings and Hugs to you, Lorraine.

Ravin1 Aug 2019
Good for her! And for you! I don't mean that rudely. My Mother and 2 Sweet Aunts are suffering so. They say all the time, " This I sent fair. Why can't I just die. " It would hurt them so bad if they knew some of the things they say and do.
I'M sorry for the loss your heart will feel, but am so glad your Auntie is home. I pray you can now heal from the Alzheimer's nightmare and sing some life into your heart.

97yroldmom Aug 2019
Sorry to hear of your loss Lorraine. I know you will miss your little aunt and think of her often. She was very fortunate to have you and your family to care for her. I’m glad her passing was peaceful.

gladimhere Aug 2019
Lorraine, I am sorry for your loss. She is at peace and now is time for you to relax and take care of you.

Lorraine12 Aug 2019

Shell38314 Aug 2019
I am sorry for your loss. Thankfully your aunt is now with our Father.


Isthisrealyreal Aug 2019
Hugs Lorraine, I am sorry for your loss.

May God grant you grieving mercies and comfort during this time. You were a blessing for sure.


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