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Anonymous1256 Posted September 2019

Article: On the Job, 24 Hours a Day, 27 Days a Month

A home health aide for a 77-year-old man serves as social worker, diaper changer, dietitian, day planner, warden and more — all at dismal wages.

(Not trying to start fights on here, but paid caregivers/Home health aides are dealing with stress caring for someone and dealing with a multitude of exhausting duties. No one on this forum is to blame for this. This is just one of the FYI articles I wanted to share with everyone here.)

AlvaDeer Sep 2019
Thank you so much for the posting. This article is right on and the work is so difficult. Even when not doing exhausting care, just the trying to be good and nice and understanding all the live long day is utterly draining. Hats off to the wonderful care workers out there. There are so many. One just posting here worrying about swelling in the hand of a person she is caring for even though there is no pain, getting it checked and finding an early cellulitis. Good care workers are worth their weight in gold.

Anonymous1256 Sep 2019
You will have to forgive me, I meant to post it in discussions, not in questions. Sorry about the error.



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