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NeedHelpWithMom Posted December 2019

Can you imagine being Joe McCain? His mom, Roberta lives with him. He is 76! She is 107!

Do you think Roberta will outlive her last child? She has outlived John McCain and her daughter, Jean. Geeeez, what a life she has lived!

Her twin sister lived to be 100! She was still traveling in her 90’s!

NeedHelpWithMom Dec 2019
See, this is how I feel too. They often wonder why they are still around. They can feel like they are a burden if a family isn’t rich like the McCain family. So, it’s an issue. Depression and anxiety can set in. I am not interested in living that long if I can’t care for myself.

Apparently, Roberta McCain is still in very good spirits. She has lived an amazing life!

elaine1962 Dec 2019
New technology and modern medicine is keeping everyone alive longer and longer. What will the life expectancy be in the future 200??? I don’t want to live past 90. Even 90 is old.


pamzimmrrt Dec 2019
well at least he can afford her care... I agree with Johnjoe, I sure don't want to live that long! My 98 YO FIL can't believe me when I say this,, but I look at him,, he hates his living situation, misses his wife, has health problems and is generally misserable..

anonymous275053 Dec 2019
My Neighbour's Mother lives with Her Son & Daughter in Law and She is 105
years old with zero quality of Life and sleeps almost all of the time. This great Lady is incredibly healthy and is on zero medication. Question would You really want this Life for Yourself ? I certainly would not. Carers and Nurses from Our Local Community Hospital come to visit Kate three times daily and feed Her as well as bed bath and change sheets every morning. Lunch at 1pm, and tea at 6pm. Kate does not engage in conversation any more but knows a Her Prayers and She Prays aloud during the day and night.


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