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BobbieSena Posted March 2020

Thank you very much for welcoming me. I am 86 yrs old, well, strong, and healthy mentally and physically. I am hoping to never be a burden.

Kimmotion Mar 2020
One after my own heart- nothing like fresh, home grown produce! Ever since I took up caregiving, I started to garden because our lawn guy discovered a tomato plant in the backyard and I fell in love with gardening. Now I have a few poinsettias, a snake plant, going on my third tomato plant, and planning a whole veggie patch. Bobbie, I fully believe you on the diet and exercise thing as we are both a testament to that: four years ago, I started my journey losing weight by eating healthy and exercising- lost over 100 pounds and wouldn't you know every ailment I had went away. You are truly a font of inspiration!

polarbear Mar 2020
Bobbie - you're an inspiration. My aunt who is also 86 is very active, too. She eats a lot of fruits and fish. She goes swimming 3 x a week, goes dancing with friends, goes out to eat once or twice a week, socializes with people, etc. She's always a fun person to talk to and be with. Wishing you well for years to come.


GardenArtist Mar 2020
Bobbie, it's refreshing to read of someone who refuses meds that are overused and over prescribed, and someone who grows her own food.   I'm sure that your strength, determination and decisions are major factors in your good health.

You mentioned preserving you have a dehydrator?   We got them decades ago to preserve some of our fruit and vegetables.   

I'm guessing you also work out regularly?  

Welcome to the group!

BobbieSena Mar 2020
Thank you so much. you are very kind.I do like to share the fact that I have thrown away a lot of prescriptions without ever filling them. i did not take lipitor, fosomax, thiazide, nor vicodin.They were all prescribed for me when I was 66 and 68.I believe I am alive and well today because I never take any meds other than antibiotics for infections( very rarely).I do especially warn everyone not to take statins, diuretics, nor biophosfonates.It is also very important to eat only real food. I raise my own veggies in my backyard and I do preserve some of them. When I do buy, I buy organic. I will not drink tap water unless i absolutely have to. I drink Evian and lots of it. i alsodrink a quart a day of HEB organic Whole milk. It is very important to eat at least one or more whole eggs every day. i prefer Egglands Best. I will appreciate any tips from any other "oldies". I love to learn new things. I am hoping to stay well and to keep driving for at least two more years. Blessings to all!

Geaton777 Mar 2020
Welcome to the forum, BobbieSena! I'm happy to read that you are in blessed condition. May you remain that way for many years. We look forward to learning your wisdom from the "upper eschelon" of age. Also, may you have peace in your heart no matter what happens in your life.


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