I am posting a link to a video. This video brought me the first few minutes of hope and happiness that I have felt in weeks. I hope - see, there’s that word! - I HOPE it can do the same for anyone who has been feeling as down as I have over this epic tragedy that has gripped the world.
If this link is already posted somewhere in one of the already existing Coronavirus threads - I apologize for the repeat.
Awesome! Fantastic harmonizing. I did chorus in school. Brought back memories. Thanks so much for posting this. Special, isn’t it? Music, the message of love, the dancing at the end of the video.
Thanks again. 💗. You have love in your heart to share this. I appreciate it.
As she gave messages of hope to her country during World War II - Queen Elizabeth speaks to her people again in the time of this new war. Another World War, but this time the entire world unites against a single common enemy. The virus.
Thinking of you and hoping you and yours are all safe and well.
Take care, my friend!
Dr. Elvis is awesome!!! Saw him on television with Hoda.
Dr. Elvis Francisco is a orthopedic surgery resident at Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic - currently working the front lines in the Coronavirus War.
Thanks for sharing these links. I watched some of the "Too Cute" puppy shows yesterday, including one of a Newfoundland with 11 pups. They're soooo adorable.
If you have cable tv, you might have those channels that are 24/7, no commercials, with a variety of music ranging from oldies to classical. I turn that on for background when I surf online; it helps counteract the horror of the news articles these days.
The Ode to Joy is one of the most inspiring, beautiful, emotional compositions ever created. Has anyone seen the PBS fundraising special, Classical Rewind? I bought the CDs, one of which has so many inspiring compositions, including the Ode to Joy. But the video accompanying the fundraiser is phenomenal; movement is so well coordinated to each composition.
The Ode to Joy includes (if I remember correctly), scenes from the street celebrations after WWII, excitement of winning the World Series, and other events that are so inspirational. They really highlight the beauty and power of the music.
Thank you so much for your links in the effort to spread inspiration, hope and happiness.
The puppy video - 58 seconds of cuteness AND beauty.
The Ode to Joy - beautiful and inspiring. I especially liked the conductors message at the end.
Maybe this thread can become a spot for reminding us - folks like me that are really struggling with fear, isolation and sadness - that there is still beauty, joy and hope during this dark time. Especially HOPE.
Take care.
Puppies visit georgia aquarium.
Ode to Joy
Gosh I wish we could embed the videos!
Thanks for sharing that, and for taking the time to post it to us.
By sharing, you are not alone, and by receiving, I don't feel so alone.