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NeedHelpWithMom Posted April 2020

What is the one thing you miss the most since this 'stay at home' regulation has been in place?

Doesn't have to be just one thing. I don't care if you can't pick just one. Name a dozen if you want. It can be serious, it can be silly, it can be anything you want to say.

If you want to throw in something that you find nice or helpful during this stressful period, please do so.

I'm wondering if most of us feel the same way or if there will be a lot of variety in our answers.

There isn't really a category for this so I just picked relationships as a general community title.

Midkid58 Apr 2020
Having the house to myself all day and running things MY way. Dh is working from home--but until he can actually go to one of the jobsites (here in the state) he's kind of stuck. He is sleeping endless hours and watching TV and eating in bed all day.

I have clenched my teeth so bad my jaws ache in the am. Plus I am recovering from shingles and just an itchy mess.

Time is just dragging.......but I shouldn't complain b/c we're both OK, this hasn't caused DH to lose his job and we have a 6 months' supply of food and money. I'm trying each day to find something to do in the way of compassionate service each day for neighbors.

If the itching were to disappear, I could be pretty happy :)

I miss just chatting with neighbors and having the grandkids over--they are really isolating in place. I miss running to the store for something small and not that necessary. Now I have to wait until I have quite a list and then race-shop. Dh won't go in the grocery store with me, but he'll happily spend hours at Home Depot--which is where I hope he goes today.

TNtechie Apr 2020
I'm with you GA, fortunately for me TN's Governor has been a bit more reasonable. Trips to provide "care" of family/friends or their home and home maintenance services are allowed in our "stay at home" order; auto repairs are also allowed. Initially our parks remained open but there were too many people gathering in groups instead of maintaining proper distancing so most of the parks are closed now. Law enforcement is directed to "educate" people and only issue citations to repeat offenders. The people actually arrested seemed to have been drunk and took a swing at the police officers just trying to get them to break up and go home; they are not being arrested for violating the stay at home order (which might be legally challenged) but for their actions towards law enforcement. Our local city police tried to break up a basketball game between 10-12 young men in a city park Sunday morning around 1:30a and 2 of them ended up getting arrested for public drunkenness and aggravated assault on a police officer. I've read of similar problems in other areas of the state too.


GardenArtist Apr 2020
The freedom to make my own decisions.  

The governor is I think falling prey either to poor decision making, insensitivity, stupidity or political power grabbing and has made poor (if not stupid) decisions, allowing pot and liquor stores to remain open (for sales but not for indoor shopping) but has banned lawn service companies, putting all Michigan residents who are unable to mow their own lawns in compromising positions.   

We've been advised to ask neighbors or friends to mow lawns.   The local community advised that they'll uphold the stupid lawn mowing prohibition and will fine the homeowner if he/she hires a lawn mowing company.   

A lot of the elders here are going to be very stressed when they're either hit with fines or face begging neighbors or friends to mow their lawns.   That's a horrible situation for elders or those with physical challenges to face.  

I think when I eventually am in a position to get out of this community I'm going to hire someone to bring some goats over here and nibble on the lawn, just as a final sendoff to the morons in the local government.

ArtistDaughter Apr 2020
I actually miss being alone. My husband is working from home now and so he's always here. And so am I. For so long in my life I've had my alone time to paint with no interruptions. I miss my students and other faculty members. I miss artists and art openings. I miss eating out for dinner. I miss my grandson, who right now thinks all people over 40 are idiots who caused this mess that means he must stay home and not visit his girlfriend. But most of all I miss visiting my mom. It makes me cry to think about her.

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

Me too. I miss not being able to get out and enjoy everyday stuff. Hair appointment too! I need a haircut!

Shell38314 Apr 2020
I miss just going out (getting out of this house) or getting my hair done. We have 4 trips plan for this summer. 3 of them are day trips and one is a camping trip for a week, but it is looking like we will not be doing any of them! Ugh!!

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

I’m sorry. That’s tough not to have a break.

Bridger26164 Apr 2020

MaryBee Apr 2020
I miss spending time with the grandchildren, and the break from caregiving I got when a caregiver came once or twice a week and I got out.

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

Maybe the bunny will bring you a few yummy bananas! Do jelly beans come in banana flavor? LOL

It seems like they come in a bazillion different flavors these days.

I like to make a parfait with yogurt, bananas and a couple of spoons of granola sprinkled on top.

Sendhelp Apr 2020
I miss my bananas. They get ripe too soon when having to buy more at once. I like them just as they turn yellow.

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

Doesn’t sound crazy at all. It’s actually a great way to start the day. I know that when you finally do get back to doing the routine that you were most comfortable with and enjoy so much that you will be even more grateful and enjoy it even more so. Don’t you agree?

EssieMarie Apr 2020
The thing i miss most is my morning getaways. I used to get up early before my mother and drive to nearest Starbucks, have a venti dark roast and read a few passages of the Bible, meditate and pray for wisdom and healing and protection of my loved ones. Now i make my coffee at home and still do my normal routine. Just getting ot for 45 minutes in the early morning and fresh air used to set the pace of the day. I know it sounds crazy but i really do miss a little me time especially in the morning!

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020
Just want to say thanks to all of you for sharing these moments with me. It’s been interesting getting to know all of you in a different way.

I wish our lives were as it were before but I appreciate receiving these fantastic responses to my posting. It helps me to feel less alone and more connected to all of you.

Like all of you, I am missing my kids, extended family members, friends, neighbors and my community during these times.

I hope all of you will have a very blessed Easter tomorrow. I will be watching the Mass on television tomorrow. St. Louis Cathedral will celebrate a Mass for us to view on television and online. Many churches will have services online or television.

Wishing our Jewish brothers and sisters a wonderful Passover.

Blessings to each and every single one of you. Stay safe. 🐇

I hope the bunny brings all of you the best chocolate bunny ever this year! I put in my request for a solid dark chocolate one! Yummy!

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

Yes, so many things to miss. Certainly all of the things you mentioned. Hopefully, we will be able to enjoy what we did before in the not too distant future.

I suppose it depends on lots of things. Everything is different for now. Our safety must come first. We all know that. We still miss having some of what we had before.

Oddly, some things do not bother me at all. I don’t know if I am getting used to it or what.

I think it is bringing some people closer together. Others are stressed about having too much togetherness.

bigsispjt Apr 2020
I'm sure you will understand, right now I would love a massage, hair appointment and a pedicure.
I wish I could take my mom for a pedicure since she really enjoys that.
And, wait for it. I miss shopping at homestores for little things to decorate the house and shopping at favorite thrift stores.
I miss hugging my granddaughter.
I miss meeting friends at restaurants, I miss church and Sunday brunch afterwards.
I'll miss family at Easter dinner tomorrow, but I'm determined to prepare one and take it to the staff of a nursing home near me.

Tryingmybest Apr 2020
NHWM - Oh yes I love town wide yard sales!

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

Those old cast iron pots are fabulous.

Ever go to an ‘entire town’ garage sale? My friend that thrift shops quite a bit and I do that sometimes.

There is a small town that is north of New Orleans called, Abita Springs. They are known for a few things in our area, their water, their beer and their ‘entire town’ garage sale!

The whole town participates in one big sale. It’s fantastic. I have found some really cool, unique items.

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

I got a tall oval wood swivel framed mirror for $25, a solid wood desk for $25 and a beautiful solid wood vanity for $25. So, for $75 I did really well too!

Yeah, of course I had to refinish. They came out really pretty. I placed all three pieces in my youngest daughter’s room.

Not long ago, I went in a fancy resale boutique where someone had refinished the same pieces that I found years ago at my local thrift shop and they were selling them for a fortune!

Wow, never found anything as nice as your sweater! My friend did. She found Louis Vuitton pants for only $8.00! My cousin found a beautiful ring that appraised for quite a bit more than she paid.

Jenna, I should go for a drive just for a change of scenery. I have not been out in several weeks!

Houseplant, Mexican hot chocolate is yummy!

Tryingmybest Apr 2020
Glad - The slowing down part is a definite silver lining. I am so not a type A person. I hate feeling rushed and I don't do well in crowds or even groups. I love people but I find interacting to be overwhelming at times.

Tryingmybest Apr 2020
NHWM-Thats a tough question. Just about everything I own is second hand! I once found an authentic Chanel cashmere cardigan for $2.99. I got a vintage leather couch for $25. My cast iron pots and skillets are old ones, and they were already well seasoned when I got them. On occasion I have picked up good jewelry for a song. A lady I work for was having her kitchen re-done and gave us her old Corian counter tops which we retro fitted for our kitchen. What a difference they made. I could go on and on but these stand out to me.

JennaRose Apr 2020
My life hasn't changed as I'm mostly home taking care of my Mom and a little bit of my Aunt (Mom's sister). Since my 28 year old cousin moved in 6 months ago and is working at a grocery store I drive him to work and pick him up. Nice to go for that 4 mile drive and get out.

The only thing that bothers me is not having access to buying toilet paper (have enough for the next 4 weeks) and when I get lucky and see some I buy it.


Houseplant102 Apr 2020
Being outdoors with friends, at the Bridge table with same, and am missing my weekly visit to the Mexican restaurant. I am doing some neighborhood walks by myself and stay on the opposite sides of the street.
Earlier today I made a Mexican hot chocolate. Yes, it has some chili pepper mixed in. I have not been able to find corn tortillas, and half the time no cheese since all this started. The Mexican restaurant is on my post-Corona itinerary.

Arwen31 Apr 2020
Being spontaneous.

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

Yeah, know what you mean about the food bank. I had been volunteering once a week but stopped to adhere to the ‘stay at home’ regulations, plus I am at higher risks because I have asthma and am over 60.


I totally agree. It’s a time to reflect. We do rush around, busy with stuff and this is forcing us to slow down.

LNReason Apr 2020
I miss being able to take food to friends. However, I do have more time to clean. Nah! That sounds awful. Think reading books is good. What I really miss is having our rural food bank unstaffed and no food. You can't meet together to fundraise either. They distributed last time having a drive through. It is hard to find food in our area so I hope others are sharing with all. I love being creative to figure how to make things when you're missing ingredient(s).

gladimhere Apr 2020
Saturday morning coffee shop, really the only time I go out like that. The friends at the shop.

What I do not miss is the hustle, bustle, so many that have to be doing something all the time. Never a chance to even catch their breath, slow down and smell the roses, notice that the landscape is coming alive and greening up.

These shelter in place orders have positive sides to them too. People now have the opportunity to really slow down and appreciate the things and relationships that have always been there, they just never realized or took the time in their busy live to enjoy what they do have.

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

I am sorry that you have to carry the weight all by yourself. That is rough. Stay safe and well.

JaniceM Apr 2020
I miss feeling that my husband's sisters have any sense of responsibility to their 92 year old mother. We have been the only ones bringing her food and making sure she is safe in her home, getting her a face mask. My rude SIL had the nerve to post items on FB deriding the seriousness of exposure to the elderly. Now she is leaving town for 2 weeks without any concern for how her mother will have food, etc. or who will take her to the doctor if anything non-COVID 19 were to happen. I'm 69 myself and have 2 risk factors.

NeedHelpWithMom Apr 2020

Please share your best treasure that you found at a thrift shop or garage sale. I love Antiques Road Show. So cool when someone finds something in a thrift shop for $1.00 and it ends up being worth thousands of dollars!

When I was young single and broke my roommate and I would find jeans in the thrift shop for 50 cents! T-shirts were a quarter. Oh, our kitchen was very eclectic, not a damn thing matched, LOL but we coordinated things with a cool vibe. Plates, dishes, cups were sold for 25 or 50cents. I didn’t know how to cook then. I made salad, boiled eggs, stuff that was very easy and cheap! My roommate and I would split a can of tuna and crackers.

Okay, wait. This is my best one, Trying. I cycled everywhere, walked or took public transportation. My boss sold his old car to me for $50! It was a here to there car. Hahaha 😂 but I drove that car for a long time! Not a bad 50 bucks, huh? It was the ugliest old clunker that you ever saw! A station wagon!

Youth, huh? Have to ask, what was the shortest job that you ever had?

Mine was as a teen, I worked at a fast food place for four days! 😂 I couldn’t finish the first week out. I absolutely hated it!

I remember thinking that I was awful for quitting like that. It was the only time I ever did that. I always gave notice and was a very hard worker as a kid for summer jobs but I just couldn’t do that job.

Once I heard Ellen DeGeneres say that she quit a job after only four hours! She was a teenager and took a job mowing lawns and her friends drove by and she got embarrassed and quit! Hahaha That’s worse than me. At least I lasted four days.

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