I have been working for agencies and different offices for 7-8 years now, and when I’m abused by clients for example: being sexually harassed, yelled at, insulted the office could care less they blow it off and keep sending caregivers to the abusive client and pretend I never said anything . They just want us to take it and not bother them with these things.
How encouraging! That is so lovely to hear. I hope that the OP finds a place such as yours to work at. It’s sad that she was in a place that wasn’t run properly.
You should write a book about them. I’ll buy it!😊
Isn’t it sad. There is so little respect and tolerance in our world today.
It seems so easy to respect each other’s views regardless of them being different but it’s rare today.
So sorry that you experienced that in your situation. We live in a crazy world.
People can be extremely harsh and unfair. It’s difficult to fight back because of a million loopholes.
Yes, money does play a huge part in it. Money talks! It is truly sad that often times money is placed above people.
I’ve always loved your posts and for what it’s worth I value your opinions greatly. The company that you were affiliated with is foolish. You are an asset that has a lot to offer! They were blind not to see that.
I found similar situations in legal positions, and the reason why eventually I only worked for large, well known reputable firms. Some of the sole practitioner were such jerks that I had planned to write a book about them. I haven't gotten around to that though and lost interest, but I still remember the jerks.
Such as:
One jerk didn't have enough office equipment, so he turned over a wastebasket and told me to sit on it while I typed on an old manual typewriter put on a stand. If you've never had a backache from sitting, an upside down wastebasket can cause one.
Another jerk decided my political positions were unacceptable (after he provoked me to share them) and refused to pay me. The agency paid me.
Another one fired me on the spot when I refused to white out a signature on a deed. Fraud? You bet! I was glad to be out of there.
Unfortunately, jerk employers aren't limited to providing caregivers. If I were you, I'd interview other companies. And I wish you good luck. No one should have to work under intolerable conditions.
Best wishes and take care.
Being a caregiver means having the patience of a saint, being strong as an ox, and having the thick skin to go with it.
But I'm sorry you haven't found your agencies more supportive. I will count my blessings that I work for a public sector provider with a zero tolerance approach to abuse of its employees.
That doesn't mean we're not expected to handle it, though. What exactly are you wanting your agency to do about the difficulties you've experienced?
One has to understand that if the client has memory issues, that person may not realize they are being insulting, or are yelling. Sexual harassment seems to come with the territory, also.
I have watched caregivers in nursing homes and many seem to use a sense of humor to deal with these issues. Such as if a client insults you, just agree with them. "You're right, I have no clue what I am doing " :) After time those caregivers get immune to yelling and insults.
I remember may Mom insulting a wonderful caregiver who was over-weight by saying "when is the fat one going to leave?". I looked at the caregiver and mouthed "I am sorry", and the caregiver just put her index figure to her lips to indicate "shhhh". It didn't bother her at all.