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Tudy72 Posted July 2020

Good News! My husband finally agreed to a complete physical and has an appointment in September with the doctor that has known him well!

He has been uncooperative about his advice so now the doc will make him go through the cognitive testing he so needs. I wish it were sooner but am still so relieved.

NobodyGetsIt Jul 2020
Oops - my response below was echoing what Sunnygirl1 said in her comment. I'm still learning the "ins and outs" of how the forum works!

NobodyGetsIt Jul 2020
Yes, that is so true - glad you mentioned that!!


Sunnygirl1 Jul 2020
That’s great news. If you want it sooner, you might call and ask them to let you know if they have any cancellations. I’ve gotten in before that way when my schedule was flexible.

NobodyGetsIt Jul 2020
Dear Tudy72,
I had read your original post and am so glad your husband has agreed to get a complete physical! I know this must be such a relief to you and as they say "better late than never". Now, this will help you both to move forward whatever that may look like in terms of what to do next. Take care and let us know how it goes!

BarbBrooklyn Jul 2020
That's wonderful news, Tudy!


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