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Geaton777 Posted July 2020

MN Dept of Health WILL allow Essential Caregivers into NH facilities!

Just read the email from the facility and this is excellent news! Essential Caregivers can be family members. We had our first in-person visit with my 85-yr MIL yesterday (Wed, July 22) since they locked down in mid-March. She had covid in May and had a full recovery. Even though it is highly likely she has antibodies, we still could only meet outside, with masks at 6 feet apart. There's light at the end of the tunnel and hope that people in power are understanding the profound impact that isolation has had on our elderly loved ones.

Geaton777 Oct 2020
All states that do not yet have this legislated need to pressure pressure pressure (mixed with a little public shaming) their politicians. Organize a protest in front of their political offices and then call the local media stations to come hear the anguished stories of families disconnected from their LOs. You need to be starting petitions and social media/call-in campaigns. Twitter, FB,, everywhere. Every person who is blocked from their LO needs to be doing this. Please don't harangue the facilities -- they're just doing what they can in a no-win situation. Harangue the politicians and lawmakers.

Tamara65 Oct 2020
That's great News! I'm so happy for you! 🙏❤💙


NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020


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