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Okie68 Posted October 2020

Unable to locate dad.

I wanted to thank everyone for their response.
One had mentioned that she hoped I wasn't going to cause problems that is not going to happen at least by me can't speak for step mom.
I just want to visit before something happens but it's apparent step mom doesn't want want me to.
Thanks so much.

haileybug Oct 2020
I am so sorry. I hope God gets a whole of your stepmother's heart and she softens up to tell you where your dad is. This is too sad to comprehend.

AlvaDeer Oct 2020
I agree with RealyReal, that laying it on thick is an option if your goal is to see your father at the end of his life. I would happily agree to see him accompanied, so that Step Mom can reassure herself on any fears she may have that you wish your father any upset. I myself would be writing a letter that was sweet as pie to stepmom, apologizing for whatever she feels are my failings, and begging to see my father under circumstances she is free to dictate, in order to tell him you care about him, and will carry his lessons forward in your life.
Remember, StepMom is the Lioness at the Gate. She who must be passed to get to your goal. Do your best, and then you can be assured in your life that is what you did. Wishing you the very best of luck.


NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2020
She sounds like the evil stepmother! I would never stereotype because I have known some stepmoms who were nicer than bio moms!

In this case though, the shoe fits! Good luck in finding him. You are dealing with a very sad situation. I feel for you.

Good luck.

Isthisrealyreal Oct 2020
Is it possible to get under your step brothers emotions by saying that you want to see your dad before something happens.

I would lay it on thick about what if it was his mom and he couldn't say goodbye and anything else that you know would get to him.

I hope you find your dad.

One thing that I do know that she could have told the facility that he needs to be anonymous and they would tell you he is not there, even though he is.

worriedinCali Oct 2020
I’m sorry, that was a terrible thing for someone to say to you! I hope you are able to locate your dad. I know we only have 1 side of the story but it sounds like your step mother is the troublemaker. Good luck.


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