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Stacy0122 Posted December 2020

So, lets do you respond?

So pretend someone you hate is dropped off at your home and you finally get them out. Let's say a relative is an engineer and gets a patent for some mechanism to separate flushable wipes from a city sewer system and is having a documentary done about the mechanism, how much he loves his mommy and old people and the environment. Let's say, the documentary crew comes to your house while he is picking up mommy dearest's things. Let's say sh*t is started and you do not back down because you just cannot anymore. How do you deal with being portrayed different than how you really are for fake tv?

GardenArtist Dec 2020
Assuming you own this house, no one can give permission for anyone to shoot a documentary w/o your permission, which should be in writing.     Did these people force their way in?  If so, I don't believe they're a legitimate tv crew.   And if they did, I believe that's considered trespass, although I don't know whether it's a misdemeanor or felony.

Are they planning to come back?  If so, I would find out when, specifically, then call either the Sheriff's office or local police, as well as the tv news stations in the area.   Being on camera attempting to film w/o permission wouldn't go over well when aired on the local evening news.

Following on ITRR's comments, if you eventually did sue for trespass and other charges (which I can't think of right now), it seems to me that you could sue to enjoin the proceeds, including financial ones.    Attempting to get a share of their financial proceeds would be complicated, but effective, and unsettling for the wanna be producers.

Midkid58 Dec 2020
Wow, and I thought 'Tiger King' was the documentary to watch in 2020. I'll be looking fwd to yours, it's so convoluted.

Not really, sounds like a little slice of hell with bad acting thrown in. Good grief, and I thought my MIL in full breakdown was dramatic!


Isthisrealyreal Dec 2020
Stacy, unless you signed for them to use your likeness you can sue their butts off if they even show you or your house.

I know that people believe that they can record and broadcast anyone or anything they choose but, it is still illegal to post anyone or any identity without written, signed permission.

I am wondering if they will do a sequel about what happens when you wrongfully accuse a person that looses their lives because of your criminal activity. Regardless of the fact that you supposedly did something beneficial to the planet, I would wonder who he stole the idea from.

AlvaDeer Dec 2020
You DO have my sympathy in all this; you know that. Had you not been as quick as you were to recognize this EX family member was in real trouble he could now be dealing with a burst appendix and peritonitis.
And boy, that caregiver that did the plead on this thing, that person REALLY has my sympathy and I hope you have got that information to the DA in your County. Please tell me they are notified, or he/she is.
I am so relieved that Gerda is finally removed from your house and your feelings of responsibility, but I caution you about ever accepting her back under any circumstances.
This is family that you are now divorced from........ but yet NOT. Their toxicity is having a dreadful affect on your own life. Only YOU can change that going forward, and I hope you WILL. At some point, you have to look on the repercussions of dealing with this crew you already "divorced" as your own CHOICE. Make the decision for the New Year to disengage from all of them. The nightmare needs to end.
We can actually end up addicted to the drama.
I wish you would write the whole money and ring thing as a separate discussion thread. Just what happened here; the facts, ma'am, only the facts. Over and over again we see posters posting that their elders believe that things are being stolen from them; and these poor elders always think they "know" who did it. This happened to my own Bro in the early Lewy's diagnosis; it was the sole time I had to read him a riot act on accusing people without proof, people who could lose their JOBS and livelihood. What happened to this poor caretaker was criminal. Please consider writing this one up as a warning to others, to those of us with people in care of others. I understand that seniors can be prey to caregivers. I also understand that Seniors descending into dementia can be WRONG, and can wrongly accuse people.
Hope your Holidays are better, and again, I do want to know when this docuDRAMA airs. I think there you have nothing to worry about. Including your minor breakdown in the film will not get them a lot of respect in the environmental patents world.

trials Dec 2020
ok wait, Jewelry comes up missing, some caregiver pleads and gets 18 mos, jewelry is later found? Then Mom is removed because grown Son who lives with her is injured/ill/suicidal not sure which,
and now another Son is capitalizing on his position in this highly dysfunctional and corrupt family in regards to money?
Get the wrongly incarcerated caregiver all this information.

Stacy0122 Dec 2020
I have A for the antichrist, E for engineer,POA, and S for sucker, youngest child forced to caregive A.

Week recap: I took S to urgent care, he had emergency surgery, talked the wanting to die talk over A. POA went into effect, got a 72 hour psych hold. Since he was now "vulnerable", APS got involved on his behalf. A was removed from my home. The next day, APS called asked if police could come pick up a few things, clothes, purse, etc. So they get here, looking for $15k cash in lock box and $20 A,E and E's wife hid actually sewed in pillows, mats etc. Welll, they found $60k, an empty pill bottle I was accused of stealing and jewelry that an old worker was accused of stealing, plead to due to a PD and was sentenced to 18 months for. Life ruined but hell E and A got what they want. I have not really slept for days because I feel horrible. Anyhow, E got a patent and a documentary, not a reality show. He showed up pulled his crap and his ghetto wife pushed with the "mi familia" bs. I have a mouth and I blew over the crap in front of the camera ppl. I am really tired of being the bad guy.

JoAnn29 Dec 2020
I think you have to give permission to be used in the documentary. I think u may have to be paid for it. I think you could have told them then they were not to record u or your home. They were on private property.

notgoodenough Dec 2020
Ooo, I like that idea, too

AlvaDeer Dec 2020
Or you hypothetically bust their cameras into a hundred pieces and say "Whoops; sorry."

notgoodenough Dec 2020
You hypothetically tell the producer of said hypothetical reality tv show that if they were to hypothetically show any part of the confrontation in a way in which you can be identified, you will hypothetically contact your lawyer and hypothetically sue their collective asses.
I would do it in a letter, so there can be NO question about your intention.

AlvaDeer Dec 2020
Girl, we will probably see you up for an Emmy next year!!!! Let me know when this episode airs!

Geaton777 Dec 2020
Can you please clarify who is *allegedly* being portrayed as "different": the engineer or the person starting the sh*t? To appear in a video production I believe one needs to sign a model release giving permission.


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