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MargaretMcKen Posted January 2021

Covid control - what has gone wrong in OZ, where so much went right

This non-controversial site has real detail about what Australia did wrong (and a bit about what it did right) to control Covid.

I’m still on the farm in South Australia, where the impact on us has been very very low, thank heavens. We had a ‘light’ lockdown for about 3 weeks in March 2020, a 3-day lockdown two months ago, and virtually no community transmission – almost all have been OS or interstate returning travelers, who were put into quarantine immediately. We still have compulsory contract tracing requirements, signing in or producing the phone ap to register going into shops and other businesses, and there are limits to numbers for some of them eg pubs. We are so much luckier than NSW and Victoria, and have huge sympathy for the US, where there are so many cases that the contact tracing must be next to impossible.

I thought some of you might be interested in something detailed about what has gone wrong, in a country which is held up as being a poster case for doing it right. We now have a Hollywood 'invasion' because this is one of the few places in the world where it's still practical to shoot a movie!

NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2021

I feel the same way that you do. It’s so unpredictable. It really is a ‘crap shoot’ as to who gets COVID-19.

I hope that you remain safe. I am wishing for the best for everyone in the world to stay safe. I truly hope everyone will get vaccinated unless there is a good reason not to. It has been announced that pregnant women should not be vaccinated.

Happy to hear that people are following protocols in your area.

We should all follow protocols and hope for the best!

MargaretMcKen Jan 2021
Lealonnie, any one who comes into OZ gets 2 weeks in lockdown quarantine, with a Covid test at the beginning and a negative test at the end before they get let out. That certainly includes any film crew. No-one has too many 'dumb ideas' about this here in the 'lucky country', in spite of mistakes made in the past. One of the problems about quarantine is that so many hotels have ventilation systems that it now seems can transport the virus around, the same problem as flights where people get infected on the flight, and even some experiences in Aged Care and Hospitals. It isn't easy, but at least people here are generally willing to stick to the rules, and the rules are enforced.

Cara, it's great that your 93 year old neighbor had such a mild set of symptoms with Covid. It wasn't a 'secret' that led to her walking around the block, it was luck. People aren't dropping dead in their homes because they usually get transferred to hospital when things get too bad. Masks are better at stopping transmission of the virus than getting infected, although they help both ways. And yes, all the 'rules' have decreased the number of flu and cold infections dramatically, which is an interesting lesson. Perhaps we will all end up washing our hands more often and distancing from infectious people in the future. But perhaps the best 'secret' is keeping your fingers crossed!


NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2021
I just saw where I typed grandmother instead of neighbor in response to cara’s post. Grrrrr...that post had me flustered due to it’s insensitive content.

Let’s hope that at some point in time people will be able to discuss COVID-19 with accuracy and sensitivity.

NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2021
You’re absolutely right, cwille. I totally agree. It’s very sad.

So many deaths and others that are suffering for a long time.

Our numbers are going up in certain areas.

Hoping the vaccines will be delivered as quickly as possible.

We had hundreds of vaccines lost. They are supposed to be shipping out more as soon as possible.

cwillie Jan 2021
There are so many aspects of the pandemic that are inexplicable.
In my province there is currently a nursing home outbreak that has made the news where there have so far been 40 deaths out of 127 infected, that's a 30% death rate. On the other hand at the little nursing home in my town although all but a handful of the people were infected the percentage that died was only 7%.
And recently a teen who was a cleaner at a nursing home became one of the youngest to die from covid in the province. His family says he was a healthy young man, no underlying conditions.

NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2021

I don’t want to argue and I certainly appreciate your work in the medical field.

I didn’t say that you said it wasn’t real. I was emphasizing that it is real, not just an ordinary flu.

If it helped your grandmother to heal believing it was just like an ordinary flu, then I am happy for her.

People in the hospital have an entirely different perspective though.

I meant it when I said that I am thrilled that your grandmother survived.

I too know people who beat this horrible COVID-19, and I know some who have died and others who are still suffering now.

Not watching the news doesn’t change one iota about the situation. Only those who are in dire need are put on respirators.

I am politely asking you to read your message again with an open mind and see how it sounds.

Haven't you ever recognized where you could have worded something a bit differently?

I know that I have. All of us have said things that came out the wrong way sometimes.

So instead of wishing me luck, take a minute to think about what you wrote and how it comes across.

Then, maybe you will see why it rubbed me the wrong way.

Wishing you all the best. All of us need to stand together in this fight.

If I came on too strong with you, I certainly apologize.

I have family members fighting COVID-19.

cara77 Jan 2021
NeedHelpWithMom Read my comments again because no where did I state that it isn’t “real” - those are your words! Of course it’s real! We are exposed to millions of viruses from the day we are born onto this planet earth! Do you really think that no one died before 2020? Yes death is an unfortunate fact of life. I’ve worked in the healthcare field for 21 years & elderly deaths from pneumonia -(which was in the top 2 cause of deaths statistics for over 30 years). have PLUMMETED in 2020. It’s been replaced by this flu which has been marketed for other reasons. I’m sorry if good news is hard for you to handle -but this lady is one of the MANY people that I know who contracted & kicked this flu by taking care of it at home. Its a fact - By the way, despite wearing her mask religiously she ultimately contracted it anyway. Do what you need to do but also consider conducting research & being open to positive news & developments...
Stanford & CDC have also revised their statements-you just need to look it up. Not really interested in debating this further with you. Good luck.

NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2021

Your comment is insulting to all of those that have lost their lives to COVID-19 and to the families that are mourning their losses.

This is not, nor will it ever be an “ordinary” flu. It is COVID-19 and people are continuing to die from it.

It isn’t an imaginary thing. It’s real!

Just because your grandmother doesn’t watch the news, doesn’t make it less real.

Hospital workers don’t place respirators on people that don’t need help. These people are fighting for their lives!

I am thrilled that your grandmother recovered but please show some sympathy for those who lost their battle with COVID-19. Those people don’t have a chance to get back to their lives. They are dead!

cara77 Jan 2021
Just a little perspective from California. Our 93 year old neighbor came down with Co vid back in November. She refused to go to the hospital & took care of herself at home ( with help of course) She was back outside doing her daily stroll (w her walker) around the block 2 weeks later. Her secret ? She NEVER watches the mainstream news, says it’s depressing, & simply treated it like every other flu she’s had in her long life- says she’s seen em all! Also noted that people are dying in hospitals because they are immediately hooked up to respirators, people are not dropping dead in their homes. Please let’s get back to being rational & to a healthy mindset. This thing has completely gone off the rails & we must be able to get back to our lives.

NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2021

I hate the thought of COVID-19 always being with us.

It has been devastating.

Ironically, we have learned quite a few lessons from this experience.

Our strengths have been pointed out as well as our weaknesses.

For the most part, in spite of the mayhem, many are resourceful and able to adapt and move forward.

Nevertheless, we live with the scars from this difficult and challenging time. All we can do, is press on. Often we are more resilient than we think we are.

I am looking forward to Covid coming to an end.

I think some changes will be permanent, and not all of them, for the worse.

For instance, my husband’s company and many other work places are considering continuing to work remotely. This is a benefit for some.

Brick and mortar has been on its way out for awhile now. This pushed it along a bit more.

Ghost kitchens have popped up to help the restaurant industry survive.

Many restaurants have used these outside sources to help with take out orders.

So, when we think that we are ordering from Chipotle or another restaurant, it’s really being cooked by ‘ghost kitchens.’

Ghost kitchens cook regular menu items, plus “specialty dishes” therefore, enlarging menus with more variety.

Many restaurants are saying they will continue to use this service after the pandemic, which will create more jobs in the food industry.

The one change that I think of often, is how moms and dads turned into teachers at home! I wonder if any will continue to home school.

So many changes, some will stay, some will fade away.

lealonnie1 Jan 2021
Seems to me if you're having a "Hollywood invasion" then you'll also be having a Covid explosion. I hope not. But it seems absurd to me to allow a bunch of filmmakers and crews into your Covid free country to quite possibly screw up your success! UGH. Dumb idea. Keep that bunch OUT.

GardenArtist Jan 2021
CWillie, I'm beginning to wonder the same thing.   Covid19 may be with us forever, like the flu.

AlvaDeer Jan 2021
Love your post and I am heartened that all of Hollywood will go to you and make my favorite shows. Where can they film Ozark? And how about Better Call Saul's last season? I can't wait!
Interesting post, Margaret.

cwillie Jan 2021
The new variants are scary as heck and B.1.1.7 may already be spreading in Canada. I'm starting to think that it is impossible to contain the virus without the kind of measures taken in Wuhan, and even if there was a will to do so (and there isn't) it's way too late for that.

Beatty Jan 2021
Plus the professional tennis players are flying in...

NeedHelpWithMom Jan 2021
Stay safe! Wishing all the best for you and everyone in your area.


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