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Sendhelp Posted May 2021

Honoring Mothers (Dad's too) who have passed.....

This thread replaces
"Love Notes from Caregivers who have lost someone".

You have been through the pain of care giving a loved one and they have passed. So as not to relive the recent pain of care giving those last days, THIS THREAD IS FOR YOU. To express yourself; be supported by others who have lost their parent, spouse, friend, loved one. A caregiver's grieving and recovering post. If ever you just want to sign in without saying something, put three xxx or three ..., then click post, someone will know you were here, on your special thread, it's yours to say whatever you want. You can even honor your Mom's memory by posting about her.

Posting this in honor of a friend who lost her Mom on Mother's Day....

luckylu Aug 2021
Happy Birthday to your dear Mother cwillie~

Sendhelp Aug 2021
Sorry for your recent loss of your Mom.


Jada824 Aug 2021
I lost my mom in June but I really lost her over 3 years ago…….she had dementia and brother was controlling her and telling her lies about myself & my family.

She got Covid after a Christmas gathering he had at her home & never came back. She would’ve been 99 this month.

NeedHelpWithMom Aug 2021
My mom would have turned 96 had she lived to her next birthday. I wonder what age we become in heaven. She married my dad at the age of 21. They were married for almost 56 years. Daddy was eight years older than mom.

I don’t know what age that I would go back to if we are given a choice in the afterlife. Maybe somewhere in my 20’s.

I hope that my mom and dad are young again while in heaven!

Sendhelp Aug 2021
Yes CWillie,
Thinking of Luckylu, but I was just getting started!

Honoring your Mom too, on this day, Aug. 3, 2021.

After our parent's have been gone for awhile, I personally feel celebrating their birthdays is a good and comforting thing.

So today, since there are two birthdays, we will celebrate by having German Chocolate cake.

The celebration is as much for you and your Mom as it is for Luckylu!

Happy Birthday to CWillie's Mom!

The world has indeed changed from 102 years ago!

My Dad would have been 113 in July!

cwillie Aug 2021
Are you thinking of luckylu Send? Isn't it crazy how time keeps speeding by?
My mom's bday was today too, she was born Aug 3 1919 - Just imagine how the world has changed since then!

Sendhelp Aug 2021
To the caregiver who loves her Mom:
Happy Birthday to your Mom in Heaven, would have been 92 today!

NeedHelpWithMom May 2021

I love what you posted earlier on this thread. I think there are many interesting stories about our family that were never spoken of. Somehow, the stories of these special people become lost. I don’t think we have an appreciation of these things until we get older.

cwillie May 2021
One day when I was lamenting the extra pounds I put on I asked mom whether she thought I should go on a diet or buy bigger pants. She told me to buy bigger pants 🤣🤣
(life is short)

Sendhelp May 2021
Interested to know if those who have passed imparted special words of wisdom to us, even as we were taking care of them.

Along time friend once said to me: "The problem with you is that you are too smart for your own good."

Still mulling that over, wondering what she really meant.

NeedHelpWithMom May 2021
Happy Mother’s Day to my Mom, grandmother, godmother and mother in law. They are all rejoicing in heaven now.

Sendhelp May 2021
There is another thread still open that I was trying to find so caregivers could share about missing their loved ones:

"Life after the loss of a loved one".

cwillie May 2021
My family was blessed with a lot of strong women, unfortunately I didn't recognize how unique some of them were until they were gone. I'd love to be able to talk with them as an older woman and equal, which of course couldn't happen back when I was so much younger an less experienced than they were.


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