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Moxies Posted May 2021

Watermelon can help with this...

For those who are dealing with dry mouth due to meds, cardiac problems, I just discovered that watermelon is a Godsend. This is becoming a very good year for them on the west coast. Not a problem, but a little good news for some.

gdaughter Jun 2021
recently tried a mexican restaurant that had Watermelon Aqua Fresca on the menu...pretty good; recipes on line!

Isthisrealyreal May 2021
Love, love, love watermelon in our home.

You can buy it on sale, put it all in your blender, seeds, rind (after a good wash) and freeze for a refreshing drink anytime.

If you get a watermelon that just doesn't taste good, freezing it actually makes it sweeter.

Oh, a melon baller and freezing them makes a great snack.

If you are extra crafty, you can pickle the rinds for a surprisingly delicious treat that is savory.


AlvaDeer May 2021
These hints for others are so great. So appreciated. And your one word title will lead all to look in. Thanks.


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