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AlvaDeer Posted May 2021

Does your Doc take Big Pharma money?

Many doctors are given money and other perks (trips to "conferences" for them and their families, etc) to prescribe medications to you. They are sometimes given 6% of the cost of medications for prescribing medications to you. While the government has passed legislation to try to prevent this behavior, it continues.

If you are curious about how much money your Doc or Hospital is accepting you can check on the government sight; they now "have to" declare it. (How often they Do is a whole other question).

There are so far no drugs that are proven to "cure" Alzheimer's. Some of the newer cancer drugs which claim to give you "a longer time with family" give you, if you read the fine print in their own TV ads, only 3-5 months more at a cost that break the bank (look at the tiny print as those ads of elders playing on the beach with their grandkids roll.

The site to check on big pharma perks is

It is difficult to be our own advocates in all of this, but there is information out there to help us.

Stacy0122 May 2021
Interesting, I looked, G's doctor took $2600, then his 3 siblings who share the office matched that. They received $2002 from Acadia pharm which manufactures the new bs cure parkinsons to make her competent med, smh. No wonder she takes about 30 pills a day to couteract side effects of others and I am at appts and testing 3 to 4 times a week now that he "reopened" with new drs that are his "friends." They all take money.

JoAnn29 May 2021
I was told I needed to go on a Cholesterol Med. Lipitor was the first one mentioned. I said no, worst one to be on and a Statin. Daughter said then Drs. get kick backs. We as patients need to be aware of what we put in our bodies.


MJ1929 May 2021
Interesting. I always suspected my obstetrician took kickbacks from the insurance company to keep down the costs of hospital stays. He had me sent home the same day I gave birth to my second child. That still burns me 25 years later.

NeedHelpWithMom May 2021
Mu neighbor who is a rep takes the docs to the best golf courses in the city. Bet they don’t report that!

AlvaDeer May 2021
I am surprised that they have to report food and drink for CERTAIN. Guess it is a question they must fill in. Imagine having to report the donuts the drug rep brings to the office. That is too funny, Barb. My partner and I didn't even bother to look up our docs as they are Kaiser. Kaiser doesn't get a bloody thing by ordering you all the new expensive drugs. God, I love em!

BarbBrooklyn May 2021
I checked. My PCP seems to have gotten about $20 per year in food and drink from "Big Pharma".

Interesting to check up on this stuff.


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