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retiredat1111 Posted June 2021

More of a statement about caregivers and abuse

My Mother, who was left a widow at age 62, lived in an independant home for the disabled and elderly. Myself and my brothers helped her. But, she was assigned a caregiver from the Sate of California, and Los Angleles County, California. We found out, when My mother died age 85, This caregiver had removed our names from her my mothers care. She assigned herself POA, and had taken all the family belongings the day my mother died, took what she could back to her home and gave all of the furniture and belongings to whoever she wanted including the other residents (the other residents picked through it like garbage, while the management watched), The management refused to talk and I sued in small claims, as I was having a very hard time with long term terminal illness, but ended up living and coming home after being hospitilized most of the previous year. I could not get any answers fromt he retirement home management. And only way to talk to them was to sue. It turned out caregiver had made up POA paperwork as the guardian and took over my mother assests, bank account and more. Small claims was a sick joke and ZI was treated badly, they finally did shopw up and then told the judge the caregiver provided documents showing my mothers assigned the cargiver complete takover of her life. The Los Angeles county government was used by this caregiver who scammed our family in the worst way. The Home she lived in the private room, for disabled elederly moved her stuff out the third day after her death wiothout The management never made notification or contact to me or my other brothers or relatives and their families. They said they tried, but we never found out until a couple days had passed after my mother's death. The caregiver was in the wind and employed with the Los Angeles county. Totally untouchable. I called so many places for help, I called news stations, I called the police made reports... filed with the courts. I get treated horribly. I am not stupid, but was a quadraplegic and had a failed pancreas surgery, and wasn't suppsoe to live and heavy medications too. And then to be treated horribly by all of these organizations. My family has been part of the L.A. area for 100 years. We were swept away like garbage by the government agencies. The caregivers probably did this thousands of times. No one cares. I would never encourage anyone to live there or use any services in that rotten place. I wil never ever be statisfied with anything that happens to the bad people who did this to us, from the crooked government,my caregiver, police, and news papers and news stations who refused to let me get my story out. I also tried to find an attorney, the first this they said is do you have money to pay! horrible rotten system of legal crooks!

Grandma1954 Jun 2021
I am sorry this happened but to play devils advocate here in the 20 + or - years (if she moved in in her early 60's and died there in her mid 80's) that mom was living there and had the caregiver did you never check her accounts? Did you never wonder who or how the bills were paid? Did you never ask about doctor visits and get information on her medical status? If you had you might have been told that you were not listed as a person they could give information to. I could add other "clues" that might have prevented this but it is not going to change anything.

daddysfavorite Jun 2021
I, too, am sorry for everything that has happened, both about your mother's situation and yours.

It sounds like you have tried just about every avenue to follow up, but the agency pretty much knew what they were doing. Maybe you could write the congressman and/or senator over your mother's district and explain the situation. It won't remedy your loss, but it may start an investigation and shut their operation down.

I'm glad you found this forum to vent. Sometimes venting is all we can do, but sometimes someone comes up with something else to try.

Things are rough enough for you without the added stress. Let us know how you are doing.


NeedHelpWithMom Jun 2021
I am so very sorry for your suffering. I am at a loss for words. It sounds like you have tried many different avenues to remedy this situation. All I can do. is to wish you the very best. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted. We care.


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