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bluejasmine Posted July 2021

Update on my 98 yr old dad and a huge "THANK YOU".

I went to see our attorney a few days ago to get some guidance on my situation. So I didn't have to say too much after telling him how my dad was. He told me it was dementia. He said this is all normal and that he gave me all the paperwork I need to take care of my dad the way he wanted. And the hell with my brother. Just go do it! So now I finally understand what needs to be done and I've been working on it. I've found a couple of really nice SNF/MC facilities in my area and getting all paperwork together to apply for medicaid.
My dad has a good day and a couple of bad days. His primary contact the DMV but my dad has not said a word about anything coming from them? I believe he received the letter and decided not to tell me. So he still drives to the grocery store daily. Had some sort of incident the other day stating the new eye glasses he got are crooked on the right side and the lens angles down to make everything appear gone. I think he had another mini stroke?
Strangest thing is he can talk to me perfectly lucid one minute and then he's off talking about the craziest things. His favorite TV shows for many, many yrs were Wheel Of Fortune and Jeopardy. Now most days he hates them because he cannot solve any puzzles or answer any questions.
Attorney advised me to tell him what's wrong but I just can't.
I have to be there every day now spending quality time with him before SNF.
I want to say THANK YOU to everyone for all the advice. And the kick in the butt I needed as well. This forum is a godsend for all experiencing this with their parents for the first time. Sometimes thinking I'm losing my mind as well and I just can't do it anymore.
I'm a people pleaser and it's hard for me to take the lead and do what's needed without worrying about the ripples.
So my next step is to disable the car. My hubby can't do it. He had a conversation with my dad about driving and that being his only salvation.

Beatty Jul 2021
You HAVE got this & I am so very pleased for you. Won't always be an easy journey.. but at least you have the right gear for the trip, a map & YOU are steering 😃😃😃😃

Erikka Jul 2021
Happy for you.


SnoopyLove Jul 2021
Awesome! Please keep us updated.

CantDance Jul 2021
You go, Blue!

NeedHelpWithMom Jul 2021

So happy to hear from you and see this update.

Best wishes to you and your dad.


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