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GardenArtist Posted July 2021

Junk mail, scams and more

Got another solicitation from some outfit with a Joe Namath type spiel, but no number, so I searched it to call and them that I'm sending them a $25 bill for mental health distress, processing (tearing up) and recycling their repeated solicitations, which only add to the junk that has to be recycled. Since they generate it, they should pay for it.

Instead, I learned of some new ways that some folks use:

1. One person wrote the number to the local FBI office.

2. Another provides the number to the local prison.

3. Another provides the number to the county morgue.

4. Another provides a number to a local mental health clinic.

5. Others either forward the junk mail for action or contact the state's attorney general to report potential Medicare fraud.

They're unique ways to deal with these pests and jerks.

GardenArtist Jul 2021
Pam, yes, that's who I was thinking of but just couldn't remember his name.  Must be old age!

MJ1929, I'm going to check out that disconnected number.   

Isn't it unfortunate that anyone really has to find ways to deal with these offensive unwanted calls?   It's too bad that these scammers don't make efforts to find legitimate work.

MJ1929 Jul 2021
I recently found the recording for a disconnected number on YouTube and now play it when a scammer calls and I'm at my computer -- (

Here are other ways to get off junk mail lists: ( I've used the site ( to get off credit card offer lists, and boy, did those stop almost overnight.

I like your idea of sending a bill to the mailers. It doesn't work, but it's satifying. I've done that twice with doctors who kept me waiting way past my appointment times. One doctor was horrified and never did it again (a good guy in my book), but the other still does it to her patients and has become notorious in our area because of it. Neither ever paid me, though. :-)


pamzimmrrt Jul 2021
Garden,, that would be Tom Selleck,, Magnum PI.. and I cringe when I see his ads. He still has a great job and a long running series,, I am SURE he has no need for a reverse mortgage on his Hawaii estate.. LOL

GardenArtist Jul 2021
FreqFlyer, your comments were a reminder of how few solicitations I get anymore since the pandemic began, although the American Legion continues to send out solicitations.   But no political rhetoric has recently visited my mailbox.

I'm glad you send back your deceased boss' political mail.    When I did get offensive mail and FedEx return envelopes, I also sent them back, filled with junk mail that I got.   Share the junk was my motto.  

Broadway Joe - what a great moniker!    He and that other dude, attractive, dark hair, but I can't remember his name...they're both nuisances.   He pushes reverse mortgages, as if someone who presumably made big bucks as a movie star would be in a situation similar to that of folks who really do need financial help.

freqflyer Jul 2021
GardenArtist, when my office closed its doors after 52 years I had all the office mail forward to my home address.

Anytime I get a large political package address to my boss I would see red. It is the same people who convinced my boss through whatever media he as listening/watching that the covid was a hoax, etc. And my boss believed it. Sadly he died from covid in May of last year.

Those political packages return envelopes are those expensive pre-paid FedEx envelopes. I would put in the material that was sent and in large red letters would write MR______ DIED FROM COVID BECAUSE ____________________. I still tremble whenever one of those envelopes show up in my mailbox.

So far Broadway Joe hasn't seen the inside of my mailbox, but we see him in those Medicare ads on TV. Is Joe so hard up he needs to do those types of commercials?

NeedHelpWithMom Jul 2021
Thanks, GA.


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