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joelfmi118 Posted July 2021

Do you really think that nursing homes are prepared and able to take care of our loved one when and if the variance changes?

Nursing homes, which are federally regulated, must have protocols in place to prevent and control infections, as well as emergency plans that can address an outbreak. For now, they must also employ an infection preventionist, a nurse or other staffer who is in charge of preventing and tracking infections.
Assisted living facilities and personal care homes, which are mostly regulated on the state level, are required to have infection control plans and an adequate supply of cleaning and first aid materials.
In November, when DCH inspected Brookside Commerce, it found the personal care home had failed to ensure that 5 of 12 staff members sampled had received training on general infection control practices in their first 60 days of employment.
Allow loved one's single family member to make sure once a week by visiting the facility to make sure that there loved ones's are receiving proper medical care and being feed properly.
Make sure they have PPE for their staff Have enough nurses aid that will show up for work.
Not hold back the infections numbers of patients, be transparent on deaths that have occurred. Be able to feed our loved one's
Allow cameras in the rooms and faculty's
Have lost my wife by the careless actions of Andrew Cuomo sending positive covid patients from hospital into Nursing homes when these homes were not able to supply the proper care which he was told by the adminstrators of they facility.
I would never send any of my loved one again to to assisted living or nursing home until law's are changed to protect these vulnerable seniors

Momheal1 Jul 2021
So Sorry for the loss of your mom 🙏🏼🌷
Thank you for sharing your story about the nurses who stayed with her and cared for her. I do know there are amazing - beautiful souls who really do care for others because thats what they love to do - Your story helped remind me of that. I have struggled with finding those people in my moms journey and feel Peace when I see stories that remind me “they do exist”. 💕
(I don’t want others to think I don’t know more exist than not - as I do know this - (it’s mostly the system that’s makes it harder for all ). So Again It was nice to see a story like this - it restores my faith to know someone was so well taken care of. Again I send my deepest Sympathy for your loss.

NeedHelpWithMom Jul 2021
Keep in mind that we know so much more now than before. Everyone was in shock early on. Some people didn’t even think Covid was real.

We can’t give up or lose hope. I wish you well.


Geaton777 Jul 2021
Yes, I have total faith that the NH that my MIL is in is completely prepared to deal with it, barring any strange and unexpected variable (which no one would be prepared to deal with). My MIL survived covid in that NH and is literally doing better than before she was on hospice after having covid for 4 weeks. I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved wife, but please don't paint all NHs with the same brush -- some are very expertly and competently run WITHOUT having to be told what to do by the government.

NeedHelpWithMom Jul 2021
So sorry for your loss. I bet it still doesn’t seem real to you. Have you considered starting a grief support group in your area? A very dear friend of ours died with Covid.

He spent his life caring for others. He worked in the medical field. In fact, he died in the hospital that he worked in. His wife started a wonderful support group for survivors of spouses. She’s truly an inspiration to many.

She reached out in the community to help others and found comfort for herself too. I deeply admire her spirit. I wish you peace during this difficult time in your life.

GardenArtist Jul 2021
Joel, you've written more than a few times about the lack of care and your grief over your wife's death.   I doubt there's anyone here who doesn't understand your sense of loss.    I'm sure others here have lost family members b/c of the pandemic, including those who were in care facilities.

There were breaches of care during the pandemic, in nursing homes, and probably elsewhere where people were in care.  The situation was challenging, that's for certain. 

But posting repeatedly here about that situation and your loss isn't going to change anything.    Have you thought about writing to your elected representatives with suggestions on how to handle pandemic situations now and in the future?    Have you contacted them to suggest creating oversight arrangements, or offer other suggestions?

MJ1929 Jul 2021
My own mother was in a memory care facility, and COVID swept through the place in June 2020. About seven staff members and 15 residents came down with it, and three residents died. However, 40 residents and the rest of the staff did not, and they managed to keep the infections under control throughout the rest of the pandemic.

Last December my mother was in the hospital for an infection, and she picked up COVID at the rehab hospital. She was quarantined as per protocol for residents who'd been off the property, and on the last day of her quarantine, she tested positive for COVID. Three nurses who'd had it themselves locked themselves in a quarantine room with my mother and cared for her with such dedication I cannot begin to express my awe at their work. My mother survived, and lived another six months to die of natural causes this week.

I fully understand your grief and anger at the loss of your wife, but remember, that was a year ago when so little was understood about the virus. I don't hold anything against people who have been making huge sacrifices to care for our loved ones in the nursing homes, and I don't know that I could have done better.


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