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gdaughter Posted August 2021

Roseann Roseannadanna is alive and well...update and mini've been warned:-)

So the distant sibling and I spoke last evening and she encouraged re the washer that I call the repairman who charges $60 for a service call, to see if it might be a simple fix and all will be well and no waiting on a new washer or dryer. That made sense didn't it?
Well, I left agent 104 a note and this evening he told me To CANCEL the appt, we were getting new HE washer and dryer. Now you know what the little darling everyone thinks is so cute is really like. So of course I did cancel it...he's around here all the time for the most part so no way could I do it without him knowing....but I'm hoping the repair guy will call to let me know what he suggests. From word of mouth responses, I'm tending toward the original Consumer Reports best buy of the LG though will review one more time to confirm I picked top load and no agitator.
I felt very exhausted earlier in the day and wound up just admitting I could do no more work wise, and used sick time. I got something to eat and took a nap. ANd so it goes.

gdaughter Aug 2021
LOL...Yes BB, thanks for the well needed laugh, dad is paying. I mean OTHERWISE poor Agent104 would have to wash his OWN undies etc or go to the laundromat! MY KID....Cons Reports said something about not getting a small one (too small) and they should say they are supposed 4.3 or 4.5 cu ft or bigger. You make an excellent point about the stackers...but that's not what we're after thank goodness. I feel like with my luck, I'll be the one with a front loader and leaky door, or you have those issues with moisture/mold potential, and something else to be sure to clean, so I'm with a toploader version. I'm about your height so I know what you mean:-) C Willie, I pray as it has worked in the past, trusting Cons Reports testing for other items. So hopefully it will serve us more than 5 years. We don't abuse them and don't do that many loads a keeping my fingers just waiting to connect with electrician to see how much it is to make the 220 line already installed "live."

cwillie Aug 2021
My nephew the furniture delivery guy says that you may as well buy the cheapest that looks like it will get the job done because none of them reliably last beyond 5 years.


freqflyer Aug 2021
I wished I had my old Hotpoint washer from years ago. I am now on my 3rd He washer and they seem to last less and less time. Had the last one only 5 years before I ran out of cycles that would actually work. Really dislike the new one I bought a month ago even though it looked great in the show room.

Midkid58 Aug 2021
Just a hint about the LG washers: They're HUGE.

I bought a stacking set and the installers kept saying "Ma'am are you SURE you want them stacked?" I was working and just kept saying "Yes, I am sure".

Well, for lack of a 2 minute walk to the LR and I would have seen than I couldn't reach the top of the dryer. At 5'2" these suckers are TALL. Had to have them re-installed.

I have the front loaders and don't love them. I can't soak clothes and have to do a lot of bending and twisting, which has been hard on my back.

I think they make smaller ones than what we bought. Ity's just DH and me and we have little laundry compared to the days when all 5 kids were home. I've worn out 3 sets of w/d's.

Sometimes it just isn;t worth fixing a dying appliance.

BarbBrooklyn Aug 2021
I trust dad is the one paying for the new appliances?


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