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Tumbleweed4242 Posted August 2021

My Mother's Anger

My mother's anger and depression has gotten pretty bad. I took her to the ER Saturday evening and she left against advice. Sunday she was fine. Today NOT. Her Dr has written orders for a respite stay but the facility needed more information from the Dr. This was last Wednesday. After waiting two days to have the Admin call me back from the place the doctor wrote on the orders. It is now Friday, I call the Dr in the morning (I have already dropped papers off previously) no return call. I'm dealing with mom all day and all of a sudden it's 3:30 so I call again and the Dr has gone for the day. No papers. So I've called three times today and only get the machine and no returned call. Mom keeps trying to leave and is very angry. I call the crisis officers that are recommended by the hospital staff for help I leave a message, this was 4 hours ago. No calls. I called so many people for help today and no one answers what is going on? I'm at a total loss. I can't do this anymore I'm going to die and so is she. This is the help you get in MIDLAND TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CTTN55 Aug 2021
How did she get home from the ER when she left against medical advice?

Kantankorus Aug 2021
I can't really comment on the bureaucracy, but I think we all can relate to that feeling of getting nowhere - organising respite can be an ordeal in itself with the paperwork and preparations, meds charts, clothing and accessories listing/packing.

-- Step back for a moment and just breathe -- aah!

You might want to make an appointment with the Doctor (take a checklist of requirements), same with the facility. Sitting in the office seems to get things done (just to get rid of you?) - I know it works for me!

You're not going to die, and will wake up tomorrow and feel more in control. Focus on after respite has commenced - it is worth the effort to feel unburdened and human again.


lkdrymom Aug 2021
How did she manage to leave against the doctor's orders?

Beatty Aug 2021
What level is Mother's anger? Violence/threatening you or self-harm? Are you unsafe?
If so, please seek emergency help again.

Hopie1Canopie Aug 2021
Sounds like Missouri. It's terrible to have the run around like that. I'm dying for answers or advice and I get the same thing. Time is of the essence. But like all the people you call, disagree.


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