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fuzzyknot Posted August 2021

What self-care thing did you do for “yourself” today? Yesterday? This week?

Tuesday, I went to my doctor’s appointment for my 3-month check-up instead of postponing it like I normally would have done. There had been a tech error with my prescription last time. Between the pharmacy and my doctor, they ended up filling my B/P prescription twice. So, I did not need to see my doctor to get a prescription re-fill.

I went for my appointment ANYWAY so I could talk to her (my doctor) about how things have been going since Mama passed. I got a chance to get some things off my chest. She asked how I was doing, she listened as I un-loaded, then she gave insightful and helpful suggestions. In the end, she said for me to call her any time, for anything, even just to talk.

That was one self-care thing I did this week.

velbowpat Nov 2021
Last week I went to the dentist. No cavities!
Christmas shopping 20% completed.

fuzzyknot Oct 2021
Hey hallah, eating that delicious pastry bite by enjoyable bite definitely tops the list of “self-care” things. So happy you found it very refreshing. I find it refreshing just reading about it.
kitchenwitch, how are you doing today/tonight? I hope you are able to “get pampered” soon. I love that idea, thank you for sharing it with us. Keep us posted!
OH pamzimmrrt, what a wonderful day! It IS NOT a waste at all, making memories is always fun! AND, it’s one of the BEST “self-care” things we can ever do.
Well ITRR, Thank you for the “Happy belated Birthday” good wishes! I really appreciate that. You are so right, I felt totally and thoroughly pampered. It felt soooo GOOD!

WOW Sherry3, 2 caregivers for 3 consecutive days AND having 12 hrs away from caregiving?!?!! What a TREAT!!! You’re so right, this is PURE JOY. 

Hi, Cashew – Reading that you got your woodstove installed made me smile. Brought back memories of my childhood and our woodstoves and wood heaters. I've put off many things too, so I understand. Good for you! 


hallah Oct 2021
My “for myself thing” today was stopping at Panera Bread and getting a pecan braid. I sat in my truck and ate that delicious pastry bite by enjoyable bite. 15 minutes total maybe. Then back to “life”. To me that was very refreshing.

kitchenwitch Oct 2021
I tried to get pampered today, but when I showed up for my esthetics appointment there was no one there, no answer on the phone or on messenger. Sigh. So that was a big disappointment. I called around to a couple other places but couldn't get in. Currently trying to decide what to do to make up for it!
Suggestions welcome. :)

pamzimmrrt Oct 2021
Today hubs and I went on a "date day",, we went to the amish market for breakfast, then a store to check out some furniture for our river house ( didn;t by anything but had fun looking for ideas) then to a store where we got some Christmas gifts. Then stopped at the Amish grocery store! It was a good day, and although it may seem like a waste to some,, we had a great day together! As my BFF says.. we were making memories! Tomorrow we pick up DDs chihuahua for a 4 day visit as she is going to Savannah , and I am going to visit with my BFF! It feels great to have 3 days off after all the Covid OT!

Isthisrealyreal Oct 2021
Happy belated Birthday!

Sounds like you were thoroughly pampered, as it should be:-)

fuzzyknot Oct 2021
Thursday, October 14, 2021 –
Yesterday was my birthday, Happy Birthday to ME, Yesterday!
It was a wonderful day!
My daughter, treated me to a beauty shop appointment, got a fresh new hairdo. She got her daddy to pay for the both of us as a birthday treat for me. He did, no questions asked.
Back at home, the Mister cooked supper for me. He surprised me with my favorite Mexican foods, tacos and nachos. Desert? Yaaa, Sock-It-To-Me cake!

Oooo everything was soo yummily delicious. What a wonderful way to end the
day . . .
Full, Fed, & Satisfied!
Thank you, GOD for all your Blessings!

Sherry3 Oct 2021
I finally hired 2 caregivers for Thursdays Fridays & Saturdays from 9am-9pm! I will now have 3 consecutive days of having 12 hrs away from caregiving for my parents, which begins this Thursday! It’s a start, but best self-care thing I’ve done! WOOT!!! (Funny how the little things now can be PURE JOY)

Cashew Oct 2021
I had my woodstove installed. I've put it off for YEARS while I cared for my parents...Now, there is only Mom left and I'm getting old myself.
I finally did it just for me!!!

Gershun Oct 2021
I went for a good long walk today. I took my pedometer. I got almost 7500 steps in. Not the 10,000 they recommend but pretty good.

pamzimmrrt Oct 2021
Tomorrow I am going to a huge craft fair here in Maryland with one of my BFFs, We have been going for years (last year was cancelled) and it feels good to be getting back to some idea of "normal" . It is outside, and we will wear our masks,, but still should be a great day! I have a list of things my DD wants ( she has to work) and I hope to get some Christmas gifts!

Bridger46146 Oct 2021
Riverdale, Good for you. Pilates is great self care.

Riverdale Oct 2021
I dragged myself to a pilates class. Left my phone with my husband as we were in the midst of calls from the hospital (released today) and others regarding my mother.

Bridger46146 Oct 2021
I had my regular pedicure lady come to my NH today. She worked on my good leg. Massaged and shaved my leg and did pedicure on foot. Polished my toenails . Had a manicure too. Felt good and I heard all the local news. Tomorrow is my shower day and beautician is coming. Looking forward to getting my hair trimmed. I’m tired of bed head. Shopped on line earlier. My order came yesterday. Gowns and robes. Husband took them home to wash. Tomorrow maybe I’ll look a little better. I would Have scared any visitor’s today.

Cashew Oct 2021
I had a freezer pop and did not share. lol

fuzzyknot Oct 2021
Hi there, Hedgie. Thank you for visiting and reading my post and for taking time to leave a great comment. That means a lot to me.

Spending the day with a friend, sitting by the water, and eating Maryland steamed crabs sounds heavenly with a touch of deliciousness.

Gershun Oct 2021
Fuzzy, some days washing face and combing my hair seems like a real accomplishment especially if it's the last thing I feel like doing.

Good for you!

Hedgie Oct 2021
I spent the day with a friend (of 40 years). We went to Annapolis, sat by the water and ate Maryland steamed crabs.

velbowpat Oct 2021
I had my annual eye exam on Monday. I planted my fall/winter vegetable garden.

fuzzyknot Oct 2021
Thursday, October 7, 2021 - Gosh, it seems like I'm commenting here more than anyone else. OH WELL ...whatever! So, I'll try to keep this short and to the point. Maybe.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, combed my hair, didn't feel like doing it but I did.

I clipped and filed my raggedy fingernails, can't remember the last time I did that. A manicure is not an option right now. Coming soon, I hope.

I applied lotion/moisturizer to my outer extremities, all of which have become dry and flaky from neglect. This will be a priority from now on.

I dressed in my "go-somewhere" clothes and left home to run an errand, something I rarely do. Stopped by the store, purchased a couple of snacks for myself. ALL FINISHED!

Well done, Fuzzy! Keep it up, you'll be happy you did it.

fuzzyknot Oct 2021
Hi there dseag2, Welcome! It's good of you to stop here and read. I especially thank you for taking time to leave this refreshing comment.

Walking by the lake and just enjoying nature sounds heavenly. I enjoy "nature walks" too. I used to steal time from caregiving for my mama and do "nature walks" with my grandson whenever I could.

Prayers for you and your mother.

dseag2 Oct 2021
We live within walking distance of a large lake with 17 miles of trails. Now that our weather has cooled off I'm walking by the lake and just enjoying nature. I go to the gym 5 days a week to do strength training. My mother is 89 and is at the end of her life. She was pretty mobile through her 70's and never exercised. I'm hoping by exercising if I live that long I can still be relatively independent.

I have also volunteered at an assisted living facility to visit elderly residents who are lonely. I haven't done it yet due to my mother's condition, but I know it will be one of the best things I can do for myself and for those that I visit.

fuzzyknot Oct 2021
Hi Cashew, welcome and thank you for reading and commenting. Doing something that gives you/us a sense of accomplishment is a wonderful "self-care thing". I love this idea!

kitchenwitch Oct 2021
Thanks so much fuzzyknot! It felt really good.

fuzzyknot Oct 2021
Welcome kitchenwitch, so good of you to join us here. Video chatting with your partner was a Great "self-care-thing". Thumbs-up and Way-to-Go to you!!!

fuzzyknot Oct 2021
Heeeyyy there ITRR, so good to see you. I know I've been away a while. Long story. Thank you for the lovely comment and the good wishes. I especially thank you for taking time to stop and read here.

Cashew Oct 2021
I spent time sanding and polyurethaning some shutters!
Doing chores for the house that make it homey and gives me a sense of accomplishment is a real break from just doing chores to care for Mom.

kitchenwitch Oct 2021
Hi all, I'm brand new here. So happy to have found this forum and this particular discussion! I think it's such an important question because it really forces me to think...did i do anything for myself today at all? Right now the answer is just a small thing. Instead of watching TV with my dad when he asked me to, I video chatted with my partner who lives two provinces away (right now we're living separately while I'm doing this caregiving work). It always makes me feel better to talk to him and see his face. I don't like saying no to my dad when he suggests doing something he enjoys (like watching Jeopardy!) but I knew i needed to make time for that connection.

Looking forward to reading about what everyone else is doing for themselves!

Isthisrealyreal Oct 2021
Oh fuzzy, that is such great news.

Having the all clear on your eyes is such a HUGE relief.

Well done on self care.

fuzzyknot Oct 2021
Tuesday, October 5, 2021:: I’ve done a few self-care things lately, but I didn’t write them down and can’t remember them all right now. However, this is my “self-care” thing for today.
I had an appointment with my eye doctor to have my eyes dilated. She had explained on my last visit why she wanted to do this exam . . . long story for another time . . . maybe.
There were several tests before the dilation though. First, I had to look through this machine contraption at a black screen to find out if I could see a green dot within a red circle of balls from different positions on the screen. I DID, and we moved to another room.
The doctor came in and proceeded to do MORE tests, like reading letters from a row of letters from a mirror on the wall in front of me. More, more, more tests and so forth. Ok, ENOUGH of that.
Finally, she put some eyedrops in my eyes. OH! GOOD!! LAWD!!!!! THAT does not feel good!!! It stings and burns, has my eyes watering like crazy.
AND THEN, she proceeded to do more tests. More, more, more. When she finished, she asked if I had any questions. Yes, I had a few. She answered them. I’m done! Me and my eyes are fine now . . . with my new glasses.
I have to go back in a year for a check-up.

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