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Sendhelp Posted November 2021

Can you get out a positive thought in 25 words or less?

Anything positive in the past, present, or future? Short words are best.

Isthisrealyreal Jun 2022
I woke up breathing!

bundleofjoy Jun 2022
dear seekingtruth,

hug!! :)
i know many people use that expression "This too shall pass",
but i really don't understand it.

it's probably not meant in this way, but the reality is, that in the context of many of our elderly caring troubles, it WILL NOT pass, until they die.

so by saying "this too shall pass", it means, "it will pass when they die." (and some people, who are so very burned out, feel of course a bit guilty to want the whole thing to be over soon).

anyway, of course, that expression isn't meant to mean that...
but that's the reality.

as for "this too shall pass" for any other problem/tragedy one is going through...
well, yes, eventually bad things pass/go away...

but in the context of helping our elderly parents, elderly LOs, we'll continue having problems.

i personally don't like the expression. but it's just me.
i understand that of course, it's just meant in the sense of "this specific problem/bad situation, will pass and i don't mean as soon as your LO dies."



Seekingtruth123 Jun 2022
This too shall pass!

bundleofjoy Jun 2022
🙂 "Spend your life doing strange things with weird people."

bundleofjoy Jun 2022
:) don’t take this seriously: it’s just a funny anti-positive quote for us, who are going through really rough times:

😉 “Congratulations on getting through the easiest part of life.”

bundleofjoy May 2022
❤️ see what happens if you don't give up on your dreams/goals.

lisatrevor May 2022
If you "stick it out" and try your best wonderful things will eventually happen in your life. They will. They must!

anytown May 2022
Free yourself, from debating with those who do not deserve your respect. Resign yourself to the realistically best outcome you're going to have with them, then remove them from any further consideration beyond what's absolutely necessary

Clairesmum May 2022
You can't please all the people even once in a while. You might as well please yourself today...and tomorrow, too!

Sendhelp May 2022
The original question that I posted was:
"Can you post something positive in 25 words or less?"
It was posted under "Questions".

The Admin changed the topic to "Discussions", but changed it back to "Questions" when it put the responses out of order, causing comments to not make sense. The Admins comments correcting that have now been deleted.

The topic has now been changed back to "Discussions".
The title has been changed to:
"Can you get out a positive thought in 25 words or less?"

Duf4741 May 2022
Monday will be here Soon!! Hi HO Hi HO it's off to work we go!!!

bundleofjoy May 2022
:) ok, the following quotes are the opposite of positive. but it's to make us laugh/smile. hug!! :) imagine a very grumpy person saying this:

"Love is in the air?"

"I'm so grumpy I'm not even talking to myself!"

"Some people just need a high five
in the face.
With a hammer."

"I like onions."

"Some people just need a hug...around the neck...with a rope."

🙂 "I'm not only wearing my grumpy pants today...I have the whole outfit on and socks to match!"

bundleofjoy May 2022
🙂 if possible be excited about the future, instead of holding onto the past.

texasgirl4life May 2022
time heals all

bundleofjoy May 2022

"I hate it when I have to be nice to someone I really want to throw a brick at."

"Positive affirmations and murder list."

"If cats could text you, they wouldn't."

"Never put off until tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow."

"I love it when the coffee kicks in and I realize what an adorable bada** I'm going to be today."

bundleofjoy May 2022
🙂 i'm not being serious, just writing some jokes:

"I'm having one of those days where my middle finger is answering every question."

"Every dead body on Mt. Everest was once a highly motivated person, so...maybe calm down."

bundleofjoy Apr 2022
:) "You came into the world with nothing, and the purpose of your life is to make something out of nothing."

peppaluc Apr 2022
This too shall pass

BurntCaregiver Apr 2022
Good health, wealth, and happiness. L'chaim!

bundleofjoy Apr 2022

"It isn't the ups and downs that make life difficult; it's the jerks."

"Ignore people who are sh*tty."

"Like on a conveyer belt, there will be a never ending supply of jerks that come into your life. Whether you stop the belt to dance with any one of them is up to you."

RawGinger Apr 2022

Retrored Apr 2022
TThink once before you act, think twice before you speak, think three times before you post on Facebook

bundleofjoy Apr 2022
really nice to read/see all of you! :) i've been gone a while. indeed, i'll go back to disappearing a bit from the internet. hugs!! :) sending lots of warm thoughts!!

positive thought in 25 words or less? here:

"Every woman's dream is that a man will take her in his arms, throw her into bed...and clean the whole house while she sleeps."

bundleofjoy Apr 2022
:) "It is never too late to be what you might have been."

bundleofjoy Apr 2022
:) "Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn't give you credit."

bundleofjoy Apr 2022
:) “Don’t let anyone’s ignorance, hate, drama or negativity stop you from being the best person you can be.”

bundleofjoy Mar 2022
:) "Do not let the behavior of others destroy you inner peace."

bundleofjoy Mar 2022
:) “If no one has told you yet today, you deserve endless amounts of pizza and love, and you have a great butt.”

bundleofjoy Mar 2022
:) “When someone says you can’t do it. Do it twice, and take pictures.”

bundleofjoy Mar 2022
:) “We are always the same age inside.”

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