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KathleenQ Posted November 2021

Alzheimer’s song lyrics

I caught the end of a song on the radio and would like to know if anyone knows this song. The lyrics I heard were “keep me safe from harm” another line and then “when I become a child again”. Sure to make me cry.

Midkid58 Nov 2021
I'm thinking of one done by a comedian--he sings pop songs with different lyrics--One that goes to "I've got Friends in Low Places' goes like this:

All my friends have hip replacements
Cause they fell on their stairs
And fell in their basements
Oh, all my friends
Got Hip replacments.

There's sevearl more verses to several more songs and it was super funny to us 20 years ago--now? not so much.

gladimhere Nov 2021

?? Google the lyrics you know.


lealonnie1 Nov 2021

Try the link above.

If that's not it, try this link which contains 41 songs about Alzheimers & Dementia:

pamzimmrrt Nov 2021
Google it?


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