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Nandulal Posted December 2021

My mother keeps begging me to kill her.

"Please kill me, I'm already dead."

"I want to die."



Lizbitty Dec 2021
My grandmother was like this. In the end, we sedated her because for her to be in such distress unnecessarily was inhumane. That was back before there were end of life options.

Talk to her doctor and care team. Discuss how you can speed things along if that is her wish. It’s about quality of life, not quantity.

vegaslady Dec 2021
Offer to go to a website with her called Serious information on VSED, Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking as a legal way of orchestrating your own death. She'll either embrace this or, probably, shut up about it. At least you won't be arguing with her about this.


Isthisrealyreal Dec 2021
Have you shared this with her doctor? Is she still getting a small dose of benzos or anything for her anxiety?

polarbear Dec 2021
My mother wished she would die when she first realized that she was losing her mind. So, I can totally relate. I think I would, too, if I was diagnosed with some type of dementia.

My mother's doctor gave her antidepressant and her mood improved. Have you talked to your mom's doc?

ravensdottir Dec 2021

Since you know her past way of life, current health, and the prognosis (eg, does she need hospice?) is it possible to help your mother refocus her thinking about where she is physically, spiritually, and emotionally now?

An ancient wise man advised: ""Do not say: "Why has it happened that the former days proved to be better than these?"" Looking back at what used to be can prevent a person from adapting to life's necessary changes.

Is her doctor aware of her thinking? Has she been evaluated as a suicide risk? Get help from a mental health professional to see if you can help your mom rethink things.

PeggySue2020 Dec 2021
I didn't see that, but for sure the predecessor was Logan's Run in the 1970s.

No you can't be part of a suicide pact. And no, she's not already dead. You're here to help her with her living, not killing her.

Has she been evaluated by a geri-psych for antidepressants?


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