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COAviatrix Posted January 2022

Did you ever stop to think that maybe that aging parent or patient simply hates doctors because of past treatment?

I read a lot of your pathetic articles where you make assumptions that we old farts are in denial, or simply scared of doctors and what they might tell us. I have news for you, that is not the case for anyone I know. Everyone I know that is my age HATES doctors and the entire medical profession because they have been lied to, treated like they are stupid, patronized, misdiagnosed, overcharged, and just generally treated like they don't matter. I know that my recent battle with COVID has convinced me that not one person out there in the so-called "medical profession" has any idea what they are doing. I, for one, am just not going to put up with it. If I die, I die, but I am not going to be told to my face that I am stupid because I won't take their nonsensical advice. As a 4F patient (Female, Fat, Fertile, Over Fifty), every doctor treats you like a hypochondriac or some raging idiot. Imagine if you will, having a "medical professional" tell you to just take a treatment that you are allergic to and just "deal with the side effects". Yup, you guessed it, I was told to just take the stupid vaccine just because they are demanding it and I could just be damned because I was allergic to it. This is no different than telling someone with a peanut allergy to take a bite of that PBJ when they are hungry and "just deal with it". I consider this irresponsible bordering on criminal. I have also had a doctor tell me that I broke my ankle (tripping over a garden hose of all things) because I was overweight. Really? Exactly how does that work in your little pea brain? Was I supposed to be dancing in the garden instead of carrying a bag of fertilizer?

And all because, at best, their big pharma-loving parent companies tell them what to think and how to practice medicine. At worst, they are lazy and stupid. I can not tell you how much I hate the entire medical profession. They treat all of us old people like we are just expendable and should just get on with dying. My response to that is not something I can say in polite company. Suffice it to say, I NEVER go to a doctor unless I have no choice, and in those instances, I have regretted it every time.

Riverdale Jan 2022
I have had to have emergency surgery twice in my life. Both were rare situations that came on suddenly. Without those surgeries I would have died.

You are fortunate to not have had that happen but if you ever found yourself in that situation you might feel differently about a doctor who saved your life. That would be if you prefer to be alive rather than dead.

It is a very broad statement to declare all doctors incompetent. I agree that there are some that are or who make the wrong choices but I believe there are far more who do good and save lives as well as restore health.

Countrymouse Jan 2022
The doctors I know would much rather have her than the ones who say "yes doctor" and then ignore every recommendation.


Countrymouse Jan 2022
By fertile, I think the OP may mean has had children rather than is, um, planning more, perhaps? But I would be happy (and impressed!) to be corrected.

Countrymouse Jan 2022
So don't go. No doctor will force you. And in fact I'm not sure in what way you can ever have "no choice." Why would you ever need to consult someone who is ignorant, idle, malicious and out to make a quick end of you (probably for a profit) about your health, or allow them to treat you?

Between you and me, though, I have to tell you that more doctors and other health care professionals than you can guess know and like your sort of patient because you make life interesting.

About the vaccine - are you actually allergic, strictly speaking, or are you concerned about the commoner, milder side effects? Because if it's the former I'd have thought you could get any American doctor off your back by threatening to sue if you have an anaphylactic reaction, no?

PeggySue2020 Jan 2022
She talks about being over 50 and fertile (technically).

Sounds like she was born in 1970, which makes her not a boomer.

Boomers were born between 1946-1964. Those born after 1957 seem to be well represented among us caretakers.

Just saying, "ok boomer" really is in reference to senior brats born in the '30s or 40s. Not most boomers, and certainly not middle age women born in the 1970s.

MargaretMcKen Jan 2022
You say “I read a lot of your pathetic articles”. Why do you bother, if you know you won’t agree with them? You don’t seem to have had anything helpful to reply to other posters' questions, so why are you on the site at all?

Beatty Jan 2022
You gave me a laugh today 😂

4Fs? I am surprised at over-fifty females still being fertile.. but fiesty could fit instead.

Don't like the cooking? Cook it your own way. Could be the same with health, yes? Do it your way?

Maybe make a refreshing change to the Extreme Worried Well pestering for every scan, test & med.

Your choice to vax or not.

Just don't blame the vaccinated if/when the Covid gets you.

Recover your way. Best of luck.

Rice1775 Jan 2022
I agree esp consider the fowl comments this person posted on my question. basically saying I'm an idiot for taking care of my mom & should just give up stick here in a home where they can take better care of her. Then went on to say I'm creating he inevitability of bankruptcy, severe anxiety, & utter doom & death upon myself. Oh & that basic I'm an idiot for asking advice. While many of us on here are already in stressful situations & doing the best to care for our loved ones at home the last thing needed when asking for advice is negative demeaning comments.

MJ1929 Jan 2022
Thanks for confirming what I already knew.


sp19690 Jan 2022
Laugh it up MJ but I bet you won't be laughimy when you are on your 25th booster and still getting breakthrough covid infections. And that's if you are lucky and the spike proteins in the boosters haven't completely wrecked your immune system, given you permanent neuropathy or blood clots and the ensuing strokes from said blood clots.

JoAnn29 Jan 2022
Love it!

This post might be over the top but I find that after a problem I had in Moms care with a hospital and told her PCP about it I was told by him our medical is in poor shape. My Mom has been over medicated. Mom told to make appts for every 2 months that even the nurse in the office wondered why my Mom was there again. Because she was healthy. I question everything. Has a radiologist look at my Moms kidney xray and said she had kidney stones. Her urologist laughed and laughed, Mom no longer had that kidney.

We all must be our own advocates. My daughters favorite Drs are the ones that are down to earth. That at least they listen to her since she works with the patients.

MJ1929 Jan 2022
Hey Sp --

I'd love to know where you got your degree in epidemiology. 😂😂😂

sp19690 Jan 2022
I agree a patient compliance plays a big factor in health care. Most people want a pill or an easy fix. So I can see the frustration on the side of doctors and nurses too. But doctors are not perfect and should not be put on a pedestal because many make a lot of mistakes and this can cost the patient their life.

lealonnie1 Jan 2022
Very few people with weight problems are willing to attribute ANY of their health issues TO their weight problems, period. Nor are they willing to change their lifestyle in order to lose weight to improve their health profile, their Type II Diabetes, etc. I've been a health coach for 14 years and let me tell you, I've heard EVERY excuse in the book about why a person 'can't' lose weight or why their weight is 'not' causing their myriad of health problems.

sp19690 Jan 2022
First it was take the vaccine so you don't get covid. Then it was two shots dont work so they are now on the 3rd booster (coming in March). Isreal is on their 4th jab. Then when the vaccinated started getting sick it was well you will get sick but won't wind the hospital. Which is bull because most people who get covid vaccinated or not wont wind up in the hospital. If they would promote preventative meds and vitamins less people would require hospitalization if they get covid.

sp19690 Jan 2022
Good for you for not giving into the doctor wanting to vaccinate you. It seems covid has thrown common sense out the window. And any medical professionals speaking out against what is going on with the vaccines are vilified or threatened with losing their license.

Yes most doctors are basically useful idiots and cause more harm than good.

With the rare exception of the good ones that are few and far between.

You have to be your best advocate and look out for yourself. There's a reason medical errors are the third leading cause of death in the USA.

Becky04471 Jan 2022
I've had great experiences with doctors. with the OP's attitude if I were a doctor I wouldn't want to see her.

PeggySue2020 Jan 2022
The doctors are not neglecting you. They told you to get the shot because that's the best proven thing to keep out of the hospital for everyone, including you. They told you that your ankle break was related to your weight because it was true.

lealonnie1 Jan 2022
No kidding. My daughter is a cardiac RN who's literally saved my DH's life. Yet we see filthy posts like this bashing all medical professionals who have been killing themselves working their arses off during a pandemic for the past 2 YEARS, exhausted & half dead. Just to get 'thanks' like this. Disgusting. People like the OP should never ask for ANY medical help under ANY circumstances EVER.

funkygrandma59 Jan 2022
Well I first must say that if you are in fact "fertile," then you certainly don't qualify as an "old fart." And being over 50 doesn't qualify you as one either.(I'm 62 and am not one yet)
Second I will say that you are obviously a very angry and sad person. Perhaps you need to address those issues first and foremost, so you can start enjoying your life, as life is too short to go around being so miserable. You deserve some happiness.
Here's to hoping you can find some.

Grandma1954 Jan 2022
Please make your wishes known by completing a medical form that should be signed by a doctor (yes you have to see one at least for this)
In some states the form is called a POLST it stands for Physicians Order for Life Sustaining Treatment.
Keep a copy on your person at all times. Have a copy posted on your refrigerator.
Do not call 911. First responders will do what they have been trained to your life. If the form is available there really is no need to call 911 since they can not legally help you. So inform family and friends of your wishes.

Oh, then you state you do go to a doctor. your "if I die I die" is not what you truly want...
I think finding a better Health Care Professional might change your mind.
As with all other aspects of our lives we need to ADVOCATE for ourselves
QUESTION what and why you are being told.
If you think you are getting wrong or confusing or conflicting information get another opinion. We get 3 estimates when the car is damaged yet if a doctor tells us something we do not question.

pamzimmrrt Jan 2022
Maybe you need to find a new DR

vegaslady Jan 2022
Gosh, I wouldn't be surprised if those in the medical professions have regretted seeing you too.

lealonnie1 Jan 2022
Tell us how you REALLY feel.

Daughterof1930 Jan 2022
On the contrary, my dad adored going to the doctors. He enjoyed interacting with them, his concerns and conditions were treated with care and compassion. I’ve had a few docs I didn’t like, I simply found another. I wish you peace, bitterness is hard on people

MJ1929 Jan 2022


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