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Mimsy1 Posted January 2022

Humming birds?

They are so cute at this age! My Auntie was gazing out the window and I asked her "were there any Hummingbirds?" And she said, "I didn't hear any."

They are so cute at this age. The first time my mother denied knowing me devastated me but as I look back it was funny. I said, "But mama I am your daughter" and she said, " That is impossible, I'm not that kind of a girl!'

MJ1929 Mar 2022
My mom eventually went back to being 16 and was far too young to have a daughter, so I was just the friendly face who came to visit and was as snarky as she was. 😉

JoAnn29 Mar 2022
Love it. My Mom was asked about her kids, I was standing right there. She told the person indignantly, "I don't have kids". I believe she was back to before she got married.


BelleMolerab Mar 2022
Wonderful attitude! I love it!

Cashew Jan 2022
Sometimes when my Mom hasn't remembered who I am and I let her know that I'm her daughter, she gets so happy! She had 4 boys and I'm the youngest and only girl.... She says: " I've always wanted a daughter" and she claps and is so glad.


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