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Helen4sure Posted February 2022

Update on hubby with Alzheimers, Covid, and possible pneumonia

I appreciate all the good wishes and suggestions of those that answered my question about what to do with my Sweetie.
I called his PC dr. He took the time to have a virtual visit with him. We checked his temp., blood pressure, etc. He doubted that DH had pneumonia, but prescribed him 'covid medication'. Two days later, the cough was gone, and now he's back to being himself. He doesn't even know that he was sick!
Our Dr. said he would take the 'what-if's' off my plate, and let me know when there is something to worry about. I was correct to call him.
I've used Lysol on everything, vacuumed, washed sheets and blankets. Funny thing is that I didn't catch it!

sp19690 Feb 2022
Please let us know what the name of the medication was the doctor prescribed. Thanks.

BarbBrooklyn Feb 2022
Great news, Helen! So glad that he is feeling better.
Keep in touch!


freqflyer Feb 2022
Helen4sure, did you and hubby have your shots/boosters? If yes, that is probably why hubby started to feel so much better so quickly, as the covid med usually doesn't work that quickly by itself.

All your hard work of Lysoling everything was the key why you didn't catch it.

I had a break-thru infection because while out on a very rare shopping adventure, the store posted that if you had your shots/booster you wouldn't need to wear your mask. Sig-other kept his mask on. But I took mine off. I must have caught it from someone at the store. Thankfully the symptoms lasted only 24 hours and then they were gone :)


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