I've developed kidney stones and a tumor on the R kidney, which needs surgery in a few weeks. This post is to inform about the way found around the problem of blood clots blocking the opening from the bladder to the urethra. On Palm Sunday in the ER, I'd spent about 6 hours with increasing pain and pressure due to blobs clogging the opening. My Youngest suggested as I lay on the R side to alleviate the agony, "Mom, why don't you try peeing while reclining?" I did and all of a sudden the pee shot out to immense relief.
Up until then, I'd been trying in the vertical position, either standing or sitting and the MD said that gravity pulled the clots away from the drain hole enough so that pee flowed.
I read your other post and now see you are two weeks out from surgery and you are still in pain. Don't take NSAIDS or Aspirins as they thin the blood. You need to let the doctor know you need something with mild codeine in it, the lower dose, but if you do take that watch carefully for constipation; I always had to take a stool softener (colace works) with any pain medication like this or the cement bowel made everything else mild in comparison. You need pain relief and cannot go for weeks without it. In some senses pain is your friend; it lets you know what's happening in your body. But you need to be able to get rest and sleep.
Doctors are very afraid to prescribe any pain meds now with opiates. They have gone way overboard in this due to addiction problems. If you are not getting relief do speak with your doctor.