The case came about because LTC refused to consider a trans woman’s admittance as they’d be put with so called cisgender women
In California, actually, we’ve had a law like that since 2017.
I stand with the real women here. When they see these guys, they are mostly seeing guys, and I do not blame them. Most women further haven’t seen a adult penis besides their sex partners, and we are supposed to be ok with this?
Easy solution, each trans gets a single room until someone else of similar status gets admitted.
It used to be said of transgender people, they had a women's brain in a male body and visa versa. I just read not so, its a mental problem. So are they born this way or something tramatic in their lives made them this way?
Like I said, I have never been around Transgender people. If I have been, I had no idea. If they feel people who are transgender have rights, then I do too. And if I do not want to share a room with them, then I should not be made to do so.
I respect that there many who like AlvaDeer are comfortable so it will not be a problem for some. Those who are not comfortable should not be forced to share a room. I agree they should not be refused but not ignore their unique situation. Every person should be respected without being required to be comfortable with or accept their beliefs.
When my father was in a NH, there was a family who was concerned when a new resident was admitted into their mother's room because the new resident yelled almost all night. They took their contract to the administration and showed them a clause giving them the right to ask for the new resident to be moved. Anyone with a loved one in a facility might want to start reviewing your contract to see if there is any wording that might be applied to this situation.
It is not as simple as people want to make it. Not as black and white as they want us to believe. Some is hormones. Some defects in the brain. Even serial killers are born the way they are because of lack of empathy. Even pedophiles have something wrong with them that makes them attracted to children. Many not outspoken in the gay community acknowledge these things but their voices are silenced. And i don't believe you can fix a person. That they will be the way they are. Look at josh duggar. As long as you are not hurting someone i am if the mindset of live and let live. But you have to draw the line somewhere. Just because you say you feel like a woman does not mean as a man you get carte blanche access to a woman's locker room etc.
That said, JoAnn’s daughter might find it less concerning than an elderly lady who has never even dreamed of such a situation. And I feel fairly elderly myself.
Now picture the female roommate. Chances are, they haven’t seen an adult penis except on their sex partners their whole life. Because for their whole life, they weren’t forced to room with one. They are told that if they refuse, that this is simply irrational hate.
This is wrong. Women, particularly old women, have the right to live with women.
This story says the mtf was rejected because they demanded a female roommate. In California since 2017, there’s been no choice on the part of the female roommate. The progressives are claiming that for them to reject on sex is exactly like rejecting on race.
What hogwash.
People with vaginas have good reason to fear people with penises in their private spaces. That is why there are gendered spaces.
No, I would not want a transgender person sharing a bathroom with me but as my daughter said "they use the stall and you will never know". This is true.