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breadnbutter Posted August 2022

Some FOG from my mother over the last few days.

So burnt out and tired of being used and abused by my mom. She left another voicemail this morning but I'm sure it will be full of lovebombing and guilt tripping. Literally can't talk with her on the phone anymore. Here are some EMAILS:

ive gotten pooping myself in my sleep
i cant get down to do the wash
i have groceries im too exhausted to put away
i need you.....exhausted
please...i have no one...what do i do?
i know it sound pathetic...but it where i am at
i gotta go to the bank and brewers for smokes and the weed store..
i need a buddy for a little bit....ill pay you
I am doing ok with phone and people but i might lose it,,,,its too much

voicemail~(are you coming over?, i need to do laundry but cant make it im just exhausted.. i could really USE you love you bye

lealonnie1 Aug 2022
You got some good advice on your last post here:

Why did you move back to take care of your mother, knowing she's got THIS many issues she's dealing with?? It's a sad state she's in, but she'll drag you down with her if you're not careful. Please take some of the good advice that was given to you in your last post in June and get APS involved with your mom's case once you step OUT of the picture. It sounds like she has far too many issues for you to be dealing with at this point. She needs managed care now, like Skilled Nursing, where a team of people can look after her 24/7.

I'm so sorry you're faced with such a challenging situation; my heart hurts for you, honestly. You want to help, but HOW do you help someone like this, who's so far gone with mental health issues, who's smoking weed and ignoring diabetes, etc? It's too much for a young woman such as yourself to take on alone, it really is. Sometimes you just have to wave the white flag of surrender and give up the fight.


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