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kenobuddy Posted September 2022

Go Through So Much....

As caregivers we go through so much of positive and negative things from the person we are caring for. I once was told, it is not you it is their sickness. I remind myself everyday and pray to make things get better. I went through alot with my inlaws even when they werent sick. They treated me like a maid and when I didnt want to be one any longer, they treated me like trash. When they both got Alzheimers and Dimensia, I thought they would change and be positive but it got worst. Their son was treated the same way more by his dad than his mom. We took the brunt of it all but, just kept praying and going on. Now his sister treats him like he is not in existance and controls all the parents assets cause of the POA and he is older than her. We dont know why they did what they did but, we just go on and pray. One day it will all come to an end and we just keep praying. Life is unfair but, we just keep focusing on God and doing his will and keep praying, that is all we can do.

lealonnie1 Sep 2022
Amen Margaret, well said.

MargaretMcKen Sep 2022
I don’t like to read “One day it will all come to an end and we just keep praying. Life is unfair but, we just keep focusing on God and doing his will and keep praying, that is all we can do”. Yes, one day we will all be dead. In the meantime, it’s a good idea to focus on what we CAN do. Praying is not an alternative to action or to self-preservation. Pray for courage to change your situation, not just to put up with it.


againx100 Sep 2022
You have certainly been through a lot. Sorry for your troubles. It's horrible that so many elderly have no respect for the people that are caring for them. It's hard and too often thankless. My mom is decent to me but she has absolutely no clue how much I do for her and how much this negatively impacts my life.

ravensdottir Sep 2022
Recently I heard a discourse on peace and was struck by the comment that, for now, peace has to be pursued, chased down, because of all the challenges that we face. But it won't always be that way. Seeing an end in sight gives hope and that gives a measure of peace.

A favorite of mine is Philippians 4:6 & 7 - "Do not be anxious over anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication along with thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God; and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and your mental powers by means of Christ Jesus."

I appreciate that gaining inner peace, being able to think clearly and make good decisions despite life's challenges is a gift from the Hearer of prayer. So keep praying and looking ahead to much better times. And take of yourself and hubby.

MissGypsy Sep 2022
Hi kenobuddy,

Sorry to hear of your troubles and the resulting suffering for you both. I have also been treated unfairly by my 85-year old mother who shows no gratitude to my husband and I for not only acting as full POA, but also being there in person at the SNF and on the phone on a regular basis. She blames me for her unhappiness and has been abusive, manipulative and narcissistic my whole life. I too believe in the power of prayer and sometimes I can feel the angels protecting me from her dark force. Please take care of yourselves as this caregiving role is extremely draining and affects one's health and other relationships. Best of luck and hugs!


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