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Witham Posted September 2022

I moved into a care facility in March because I needed to use a wheelchair when my legs gave out. Before June I was using a walker, Any advice on transportation?

Cannot drive so am looking for transportation for doctor znd dentist appointments and no taxis accepting wheelchair support. Where can I find a caregiver to drive and assist me?

Becky04469 Sep 2022
As Barb suggested Call Area Agency on Aging.

Geaton777 Sep 2022
Are you still in a facility? Do they not have a medical van service option?

Also call local churches to see if they have a Care Ministry (even if you are not a member or even part of that denomination). They may be able to set you up with a volunteer driver (I did this at my church when I was younger).

But maybe you need a medical van. Your weight will determine who will realistically be able to safely transfer you from the chair to the car and back. A medical van may be the best option.

If you're not still in a facility, then is your residence set-up for a wheelchair? With no stairs, and ramps where necessary? Or an apartment with an elevator?


BarbBrooklyn Sep 2022
Try calling your local Area Agency on Aging for transportation options in your area.


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